The Legend of the Northern Blade Chapter 70

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<-- Episode 70: Chapter 6: The Iron Man's Trouble (2) -->

Jin Mu-won carefully looked through the house. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a typical mansion found in Sichuan Province and has no special features.

‘The only thing else is a little black flag hanging in the window. Is that a sign?’

Even so, the black flag was so small that Jin Mu-won could not have easily spotted it if he had poor observation skills.

After a while, the door opened and a middle-aged man with a small build stuck his head out.

“Who are you talking about?”

“I came to make a deal… … .”

“You’ve come to the wrong place. To make a deal, you have to go to the store… … .”

“I’m looking for an object illuminated by black moonlight… … .”

“There is no such thing… … .”

“The Black Moon Lord told me to come visit you at any time… … .”

“Your name?”

“It’s called Yongmuseong, Lord of the Iron Gidang.”

In an instant, the middle-aged man’s eyes changed. He looked around him to make sure no one was there and then said:

“Please come in.”

Yong Mu-seong and Jin Mu-won followed the middle-aged man inside.

The inside of the mansion looked very ordinary. There was nothing special and there were no major features. It feels like a quiet mountain temple. However, Jin Mu-won felt a secret gaze watching him.

‘As expected, it’s not an ordinary mansion.’

The middle-aged man guided Jin Mu-won and Yong Wu-seong to the innermost room of the mansion.

The interior of the room, like the exterior of the mansion, was very plain. There is only one table and four chairs, and there is not even any decent decoration, so it feels empty.

“Please wait a moment.”

The middle-aged man who guided them invited them to sit down and then went out.

“here is?”

“It’s a branch of the Black Moon.”

A look of suspicion appeared on Jin Mu-won’s face. Because it was a word I had never heard before. Yong Moo-seong chuckled as if he knew how Jin Mu-won was feeling.

“To put it simply, it is a place that handles high-quality information that is difficult for ordinary people to access.”

“I guess they are paying for information?”

“It’s not enough just to have money.”

“… … .”

“At the very least, we only provide information to the clan’s master or to warriors of the same level.”

If he were to be said to be on the same level as the lord of the sect, he would be at the level of an elder of the sect. How many such warriors are there in the entire river?

Black Moon first obtained the information they needed, processed it to make it easier to understand, and then provided it to them. The information they provided became an important indicator for Daemunpa or Unjungcheon to run the powerhouse.

“Those who use this place are people who know how powerful it is to have information first. To put it simply, they are people who can foresee the future.”

“Is it okay to reveal such important facts to me, a stranger?”

Yong Moo-seong smiled sheepishly.

“Heh! Didn’t I tell you? It is said that information is provided only to those of the clan’s master level or higher. “It means that even if you know the existence of this place, you can’t get any information.”


“I just want to let you know. That a place like this exists in Gangho. “Gangho is a much wider and more mysterious world than you think.”

A fierce confidence emanated from Yong Moo-seong’s voice.

At that moment, Jin Mu-won realized. The reason why Yongmuseong brought him here.

‘There is much more we don’t know in the world than we know, so does this mean we should act on our own?’

This may be said with the conflict between Zhong Li Wuhuan and Jin Muyuan in mind. Usually, when people come to a place like this, they think about their situation once again and feel intimidated.

“I will keep the dragon leader’s words deep in my heart.”

“I hope so.”

Yong Mu-seong looked at Jin Mu-won with meaningful eyes.

It was then.

“I don’t know if I made the customers wait too long.”

Someone came inside with a clear voice.

The two people’s eyes turned to the door.

A woman wearing cotton yarn is walking lightly, and her curved body exudes a deep charm.

The woman saw the business and asked.

“I heard that you are the dragon head of the Iron Knight Party. Is that correct?”

“exactly. I am Yong Moyo, Lord of the Iron Wings. you are?”

“My name is Maewolryeong, the head of the Sacheon branch of Black Moon.”

Yong Moo-seong’s eyes lit up. Judging by his voice, I guessed that he wasn’t that old, but it was unexpected that he was the Sacheon branch president.

“Nice to meet you, Mae Soger.”

“Who is next to you?”

“You’re part of my group.”

Wolwol-ryeong looked at Jin Mu-won.

“You must be a great person to come with the dragon head. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Jin Mu-won. There is nothing special about being a strong first-timer. “I only accompanied you out of consideration for the head of the dragon clan, so don’t worry about it.”

Jin Mu-won took a bow and bowed.

Moon Wol-ryeong’s eyes, revealed outside the cotton yarn, sparkled. She looked at Jin Muwon intently, as if she could see right through him.

“We are more interested in selecting Kang-ho, Jin So-hyeop.”

Her eyes curved.


Nothing was known about the origin of the black moon or its owner, Wolju. Who created Black Moon and for what purpose, how many people it had, and who its members were were all covered by an iron curtain.

One thing is certain: they have tremendous information power, and are able to obtain important information one step ahead of others.


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The great sects, including Unjungcheon, knew very well that information that was one step ahead of others was power. So many Daemun sects were greedy for the Black Moon.

They thought that if they only subjugated the information organization called Black Moon, they would be able to possess superior information and power than other sects.

In fact, one of them put it into practice. It was Hwangbo Seok, one of the five major royal families.

The Hwangbo family, whose intelligence power was inferior to that of other families, decided to subjugate Heukwol. By making up for his lack of information, he revealed his ambition to rise to the top of the five great families.

Once the decision was made, there was no hesitation in Hwang Bose’s actions. They attacked all branches of Black Moon known to the world. In this case, not only the elites of the Hwangbo family but also the clans that had cooperated with them for a long time were all mobilized.

Heukwol seemed lost in the unexpected attack of Hwangbo Seok, unable to properly resist. Many warriors died and were tortured.

Hwangbo Sega tried to find Heukwolju and gain his loyalty. But none of the Black Moon warriors opened their mouths.

No matter how they were tortured, they did not open their mouths, and those who did spoke knew very little. In the end, Hwang Bose realized that it was impossible to find out Wolju and had no choice but to step down.

The problem started after that. Black Moon’s counterattack has begun.

Based on his incredible intelligence power, Heukwol cut off all information supplied to the Hwangbo family and began to spread false information. Hwang Bo-sega, who was caught in their counter-operation, was completely isolated.

Numerous assassins began to secretly attack the leaders of Hwang Bose. Black Moon commissioned numerous assassin groups to assassinate him at great cost.

As a result of a series of incidents, dozens of the leaders of the Hwangbo family were killed or injured, and the Hwangbo family was almost destroyed. In the end, Hwangbo Sega was unable to put up a good fight against him and ended up declaring surrender.

A series of events led to the downfall of the Hwangbok family, and they eventually suffered the humiliation of being pushed out of the Five Great Families.

After that, it took several decades for the Hwangbo family to make a comeback and enter the Odae family.

After going through a series of events, the Great Moon faction came to realize that there was nothing good about messing with the Black Moon. In this way, Black Moon created a secret legend in Kang Ho-sang that has been passed down to this day.

One of the most important things at Black Moon was keeping track of whenever new warriors appeared.

This is because I know from experience that the monster called Kangho always releases new talents at unexpected times, and the situation of Kangho is often shaken by those talents.

Moon Wol-ryeong looked at Jin Mu-won with shining eyes.

‘Although it is only a minority, the Cheolgidang is one of the most influential factions in the world. In particular, Lord Yongmu-seong of the Iron Gidang is a transcendent martial artist who is recognized even in the rivers. He is known to be very intelligent and has a great eye for people, despite his appearance.

There is no way a person like that would go with just anyone. In the end, although he may look ordinary on the outside, Moon Wol-ryeong judged that Jin Mu-won was a talent worthy of recognition by the Ministry of Defense.

‘If there is a military person worthy of accompanying him, he is also someone worth paying attention to.’

Jin Mu-won became the target of Black Moon’s attention without even realizing it. It was something that even the businessman had not anticipated.

Maewolryeong’s eyes turned toward Yongmuseong.

“Why did the head of the dragon clan come to visit us at Black Moon?”

“I came to know about the situation in Yunnan Province.”

“hmm! “You came with a difficult problem.”

“With Black Moon’s information power, I don’t think it would be that difficult of a problem.”

“You are overestimating our Black Moon. “We certainly have limits.”

Although he said so, Wol-wol-ryeong’s voice was full of confidence. Yong Moo-seong must have sensed that fact, too, with a smile on his face.

“I will pay you well. Even if it’s something small, please tell me about the current situation in Yunnan Province. “I received a request from the White Dragon Company, but I am at a loss because there is no useful information.”

“If that’s the case… … .”

“Please do me a favor.”

Maewolryeong closed his eyes, perhaps to organize his thoughts.

There were no documents in the information of the Black Moon Spirit. All information was concentrated on the branch manager, and the branch manager stored all that information in his head. This policy changed after being attacked by Hwang Bo-sega.

After a while, Wollyeong opened his mouth.

“I don’t know if you know, but the current situation in Yunnan is very complicated. It’s safe to say it’s a battle of fortune. People think that things have become complicated simply due to the clash between the Hegemony Association and the Jeomchang faction, but that is incorrect.”

“Are you saying this wasn’t caused by conflict between the two clans?”

“The superficial reason is correct. But when you dig behind the scenes, it gets a little more complicated.”

Moon Wol-ryeong’s voice lowered. On the contrary, the concentration of Yongmu and Jinmuwon increased. Moon Wol-ryeong intentionally lowered his voice to make the two people concentrate.

“It is our judgment that there is a third force encouraging conflict between the two factions. “There is no solid evidence yet, but several circumstances are coming together.”


“For that reason, I understand that Unjungcheon also dispatched an investigation team to investigate a series of incidents.”

The dispatch of the investigation team from Unjungcheon was a top secret. However, Black Moon’s incredible intelligence power had already figured out Unjungcheon’s internal secrets.

“So, are you saying that a third force attacked another upper level in order to inflame the conflict between the Hegemony Society and the Jeomchang Sect?”

“That’s how we judge it.”

“Then there is a high probability that the merchants who disappeared in Yunnan Province were also detained or eliminated by them.”

“If they had killed him, his body would have definitely been found. “It is impossible to dispose of so many bodies without leaving traces.”

Jin Mu-won’s eyes sparkled at Wol-wol-ryeong’s answer. This is because there was a glimpse of the possibility that Hwang Cheol might still be alive.

“Have you figured out the identity of the third force?”

“Not yet. But as long as we focus our efforts, we will find out soon.”

Her voice contained a pride that could not be hidden. Her infinite faith and confidence in the Black Moon, to which she belongs, were clearly revealed.

“Let me ask you one more thing. Could you possibly know the details of the investigation team dispatched from Unjungcheon?”

“Unjungcheon also maintains confidentiality, so we have no way of knowing yet. What is clear is that they took great care in composing personnel considering the importance of the situation.”


Yongmuseong let out a sigh.

It is a series of unexpected variables.

‘I think this request will do more harm than good.’

However, I couldn’t accept the request now. If that were to happen, the Iron Party’s reputation, which it had worked so hard to build up until now, would suffer a major blow.

In the end, he died, but had to head to Sana or Yunnan. The point is that his request must be completed while minimizing damage.

“Tsk! “I guess I’ll have a hard time this time.”

“If it is a request related to the White Dragon Company, it would be to find the third prince who disappeared some time ago.”


“It seems to me that it will not be an easy request. As I said before, I can’t even guess what variables may be lurking around.”

Wolwolryeong looked at Yongmuseong with regretful eyes.

If there’s one thing she’s learned after working in Black Moon for a long time, it’s that you have to duck down when the wind blows. This is especially true when strong winds blow.

A storm was blowing in Yunnan right now. I couldn’t even imagine how far the aftermath would spread.

Yongmuseong stood up from his seat.

It wasn’t that there was no income at all. Just knowing that a third force was lurking around was a huge gain. There was a lot to prepare, so we had to move quickly.

He took out two gold circles the size of a child’s fist from his arms and placed them on the table.

“I think this will be enough in return for information.”

“It is more than enough. “In return, I will tell you one more thing.”

“I will listen.”

“I’m targeting the head of the dragon clan at Muyeongsalmak.”

“… … .”

Yongmuseong’s eyes wavered. Because he heard unexpected words in an unexpected place.

Non-destructive killing.

As the name suggests, it is a sect of assassins whose business is murder. Although it cannot be said that the assassination capabilities were the best, the group that could be said to be the best in the world in terms of its viciousness and persistence was the Muyeongsalmak. Because of this, Ichigo became the target of the Muyeongsalmaek and no one had a good ending.

Yongmuseong did not ask why. Because you already have an idea.

“Let’s see if the information was exposed.”

“Aren’t you curious about the leaker?”

“If I ask, will you tell me?”

Moon Wol-ryeong’s eyes, revealed outside the cotton yarn, sparkled at Yongmuseong’s question.

“Would Neungwonpyeong be the answer?”

“As expected. ha! “For some reason, I said I didn’t want to take on the request.”

Yongmuseong sighed.

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