The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me Chapter 176

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Episode 176

Today is the academy’s vacation day.

In other words, it is the day when the eventful second semester comes to a complete end.

“…It’s already so late.”

And, the clock shows 1 PM. I’m sure I had breakfast and slept for a while, but when did so much time pass?


When I try to lift my heavy body, as expected, severe pain comes over me. As expected, 3 penalties are accumulated, so it seems like there is no body left.


Still, I couldn’t stay at the academy forever, so I forced myself to get up and started looking for the wand that the main heroines had given me as a gift.

Since the girls had strengthened the staff even more after the third ordeal, I was able to regain some vitality just by holding it.


However, the cane that must have been standing next to the bed is lying on the floor. Did he collapse while talking in his sleep?


At first, I thought about calling Kania using the pager, but it was too much to call her just to give me a cane, so I desperately bent down and started reaching out.

Thanks to this, my back hurts like crazy, but I can’t show weakness to Kania, who has been clinging to me all night and overprotecting me, and when I cough, she gets teary-eyed and hugs me.

But, when I think about it, it’s a little strange.

Even though Kania knows my physical condition best, these days even Irina and Klarna get upset when I show the slightest sign of weakness.

This pain is only temporary, and the only thing left to do is move on to a ‘true happy ending’, so I don’t know why I’m overreacting so much.

“Take it, Frey.”

While I was thinking that, someone picked up a cane and handed it to me.

“Ah, thank you…..”

Because it was such a natural situation, I said thank you and was about to receive the cane.


Soon, I froze with my hand outstretched.

“Isn’t that what you need, this wand?”

Professor Isolette is in front of me.

I’m sure it wasn’t there until just now, right? When did it come in?

Could it be that he became a magic swordsman like me?

“You didn’t move out of the dormitory by yourself, right? That’s why I got the key from the maid and came in.”


As I was thinking nonsense, Isolette gave me the answer.

Since I’ve been experiencing so many unrealistic things these days, my thoughts seem to naturally flow abnormally.

“So what’s going on here? Are you even worried about me now?”

I came to my senses and looked at Isolette, but her expression was just as cold as when I first saw her.

Fortunately, she isn’t worried about me yet…

“Take it.”

While I was thinking that, Isolette spoke in a cold voice and held out a staff to my arms.


What was the point of not receiving it, so I gently picked up the cane, and my whole body began to feel energized.

“I came because I have a letter to deliver to you.”

While I was catching my breath while holding the warm cane, Isolette took out a letter from her arms.

“Who sent this letter so that Professor Isolette personally became Jeon Seo-gu? As expected, it was a request from a very high-ranking person…”

“Shut up and read.”

Isolette, who hates corrupt people in power, provokes me even though I know she has no business taking on such a task, so she gives me orders in an even colder voice.

– Aria.


I was overwhelmed by the momentum and opened the letter with a calm expression, but after reading the first sentence, my expression couldn’t help but become distracted for a moment.

I guess it’s coming.

– Sorry, I’ll be out of the house for a while. Don’t worry. Because I will stay in a safe place.

“You know what that letter means.”

I tried to pretend to be Taeyeon and finished reading the letter, then Isolette looked down at me with an expressionless expression and spoke.

“It must be a declaration of isolation. I was wondering why they didn’t do it sooner, but now they’re doing it? It’s too late…”

“It’s just that it hasn’t been officially announced, but the entire empire has already been talking about this incident for several months. The media, including gossip magazines and magazines, the social churches that dominate the empire, and even on the streets.”


“So, it’s no wonder Aria can’t hold on.”


Aria couldn’t have held on any longer.

I am the one behind this slave market incident, and at the same time, I have spread a believable rumor throughout the empire about my encounter with the Demon Lord’s army that appeared at the market.

Ariani was already pushed to her limits, so of course she would have run away from home.

Still, I’m glad. At least she won’t be caught up in her ordeal.

Of course, Isolette, who has a cold expression in front of me…

“Aria has been coming to my house for a few days now.”


I was lost in thought and when I heard about Aria’s whereabouts, I opened my eyes and asked a question.

Of course, I knew the date and time she left the mansion and her destination from the beginning. She did this to send Cania to a dangerous place, but she left her alone because she was going to Isolette’s house.

There are few places in the current empire that are as safe as Isolet’s house.

Isolette will take care of any enemies that come in, and thanks to her lack of luck with men, no bastard will dare lay eyes on my pretty sister.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Since I was abandoned, I was adopted by the Bywalk family…”


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“Do you know how many times Arya wrote that letter?”

When I thought about that, I felt relieved for some reason and made a joke, and Isolette frowned and started talking.

“With tears in his eyes, he rewrote the letter countless times.”

“Did you?”

“…In the end, the last letter she wrote was the shortest and softest she had ever written.”

“That’s so tearful…”

I muttered with sleepy eyes, remembering the feeling of my heart being pricked.

“But you…!”

Isolette, who had been managing her expression until then, suddenly grabbed me by the collar and glared at me.


And then a short silence follows.

Isolette’s eyes, visible in that silence, contain a thousand different emotions.

Anger, disappointment, disgust, hatred, displeasure, disgust, murderous intent.

Those raw emotions, which were quite familiar to me, were clearly being read without me having to use any skills.

“Are you going to kill me…?”

In that situation, I smiled and provoked her.

I’ve been feeling it since last time, but there was something strange about her reaction to me, so I wanted to solidify her feelings until the next ordeal.


With that in mind, I said something that she should have hated.


Suddenly, Isolette’s eyes waver.


And then a small moan escapes from my mouth.


For some reason, that appearance overlaps with the woman who became a wreck during the third ordeal.


So, when I ask a question with a puzzled expression on her face, she moves away from me and quickly corrects her expression.

“Please vacate the dormitory within an hour. There are numerous security personnel waiting on the ground just for you.”

Eventually, when I heard her cold voice come back, I sighed, thinking I would just give up.

“Anyway, you seem to be in a lot of pain, right?”

I grabbed the doorknob and was about to leave the room when I heard the question she asked implicitly.

“If I can’t go to class for a few months… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow or today?”

I had no choice but to use the skill.

“Why are you asking that?”

After a while, while I was staring blankly into space, I asked a question.

“…I do not know.”

She mumbled with a complicated expression on her face, then suddenly turned around and started talking in a calm voice.

“Honestly, I want to kill you right now.”


“I want to end your life with my own hands before you, who have already become a monster, become an even bigger monster.”

It was a terrifying remark that would have definitely made it impossible for anyone else to sleep that night, but for some reason, it wasn’t fear or fear that I felt.

“But… But, when you actually try to put it into practice…”

Because her calm expression gradually became more and more broken.

“For some reason, my body doesn’t move.”

And not only the facial expression but also the voice was falling apart.

Even though it was clearly a scary feeling, I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed and anxious instead of afraid.

“Actually, I just tried to kill you.”


“The reason I deliberately kept the security personnel on standby below, the reason I sent Kania on an errand to keep you away for a while, and the reason I broke into your room by cutting off the protective magic was all to kill you.”

While I was feeling confused by those emotions, Isolette’s remarks struck my heart.

“I tried to pull out my sword several times while watching you sleep. Even when you were struggling to pick up the cane that fell on the floor and even when you were laughing at the letter your younger brother wrote.”


“And when I grabbed you by the collar just now.”

She had the same confused look in her eyes as I did.

“…he even violated his duty as a knight and tried to strangle you, a weak and sick person, to death.”

He looks at me and finishes speaking in a low voice.


After breaking the short silence that followed, I ask in a calm voice.

“Why didn’t you kill me?”

Then, Isolette closed her eyes and spoke.

“The sword was not drawn.”

“You weren’t selected?”

“Even if I tried as hard as I could, even if I used all my strength… I couldn’t pull the sword out.”

Eventually, she said that with a dejected expression.

“I tried to strangle him, but I couldn’t get my hands up.”

Turn back quietly.

“Just ask one question.”


“Frey, are you really terminally ill? It’s not just an act or a disguise, really?”

Eventually, I was thinking about how to answer the question she asked in a trembling voice.

“Well, if that’s true… then you’ve earned your own money. You’ve been punished, Frey.”

She begins to draw her own conclusions.

“There’s no need to cut a mortal life anyway. That’s right, there’s no need to dirty my sword. So, I’ll give up on killing you.”


“But keep in mind, Freyr.”

I called her name without realizing it.

“No matter how bad it is, if one more incident happens…”

She unilaterally left me a warning under the pretense of saying goodbye.

“…It was really Bezuma back then.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the door and disappeared.

[Isolet Arham Bywalk’s current emotions: anger, disappointment, disgust, hatred, displeasure, disgust, murderous intent…]

Nevertheless, while I was staring blankly at the place where Isolette was, I quickly focused my eyes on the skill window that had been floating in front of me until then.


At the end of a long series of negative emotions, there is a question mark.

“It’s going to turn.”

I condensed all the thoughts in my head into one word and laid down on the bed, holding my head.

“…What the hell is it?”

I was staring blankly at the ceiling for a long time.


A dark energy suddenly arose from my shadow reflected on the wall.

“…Master, are you okay?”

After a while, Kania came out from the shadows and lay down next to me, muttering.

I heard that he succeeded in developing advanced black magic a few days ago, and now he seems to be able to freely use shadow magic.

“I’m here so you can rest assured…”

“It’s a strange thing.”


I look at the eyes of the woman lying next to me with a nervous expression, and then open my mouth with a dark expression.

“Obviously, after the ordeal was over, the verification of all ‘sub-heroines’ was completed.”

“…Are you talking about surveillance in case someone regained their memories?”

“Yes, most of them were completely unaffected by the third trial.”

After saying that, I rub my eyes with my hands and mutter.

“But why… did something abnormal suddenly happen to Isolette?”

“…young master.”

“I’m tired of the variables now… I’d like to rest… No, I’ve rested quite a bit so far…”

“I will protect you.”

As I looked at Kania who said that, I sighed and asked a question.

“How are you feeling Aria? Have you completely stopped worrying about me?”

“I think so…”

Then, Kania, who was answering, suddenly stopped talking and looked at my face.

“…You look sad.”

“No, not at all…”

“More than ever.”

Eventually, I shook my head and tried to deny what she said.

“…Today seems to be the hardest day.”


When I heard her say that she moved her body to the side and came right in front of me, I quietly closed my mouth.

These days, I feel like my thoughts are being completely read by Kania. Is this a side effect of shadow magic?

“Uh… well, master.”

While I was thinking that, Kania suddenly started stuttering.

“By any chance… are you free tonight?”


“If there’s nothing going on, would you like to have a drink with me?”

I said something, and a quite unexpected proposal came in.

“I like drinking, but these days… I don’t get drunk in the first place thanks to my mental ability…”

“Well, I can get you drunk.”


However, since I couldn’t get drunk, I tried to politely refuse, but Kania turned her gaze to the side and said.

“I’ve prepared a way for you to get drunk. And, uh… alcohol…”

“…Okay, if my favorite subordinate says that.”

When I was told that I could get drunk, I responded angrily, and suddenly Kania started looking at me with a sad expression.

“Ma, we are fully prepared so that you can enjoy it to your heart’s content…”

“Oh, now I have to get ready to go.”

When I finally got up from my seat, leaving her with her head down and muttering something, Kania suddenly started to look nervous.

“…Are you really going to go today?”

“Yes. I’m already disturbed by Isolette and Aria, and I’m putting it off even more.”

I began to put on my coat with a stern expression.


While fiddling with the robe of deception that was lying on the desk, he muttered in a cold voice.

“…I’m going to declare war.”

It’s time to go meet the hero of hypocrisy.


Meanwhile, at that time.

“Uh, Ruby! It’s been a while!”


Ruby, who appeared at the orphanage established by Frey after several months, was greeting the caretaker with a bright smile.

“I was worried because something happened and I couldn’t come for a few months, but I’m glad to see that you’re okay!”

“Ah, yes… haha.”

Her expression was shaken for a split second by the manager’s words, but she soon agreed with an awkward smile.

“Anyway, is this a coincidence?”


“I said the person who built this orphanage would be visiting today!”

After hearing those words, I failed to control my facial expression again.

“He’ll be here in a little while, so get ready quickly…”

“Yes, yes! I understand!”

So, she quickly turned around and started heading somewhere.

[Stack: 1]

“…No way, now?”

He floated a translucent window in front of his eyes, frowned, and began muttering.


And, a girl was watching.


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