The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me Chapter 313

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Episode 313

The day after Frey cleared out Prince Killian’s gang, tension began to spread throughout the Academy.

Because today was ‘Parent Counseling Day’.

Of course, if it had been an ordinary parent consultation, the academy would not have had such a cold atmosphere.

However, the parent consultation is actually a day when the imperial nobles use the consultation as an excuse to put pressure on the academy.

It was now a common event, like an annual event that had been held for several decades, but today the scale and intention were a little different.

– Clang, clank…

The sight of the private soldiers and knights of each family surrounding the academy as if surrounding it, and the emperor and the prince’s family heads standing in front of them with very angry expressions, was reminiscent of a battlefield.

“Restrick, you’re here too.”

“Am, of course you should come.”

Although it had only been a day since the incident, their goals for arriving at the academy, even using multiple transfer magic, were all aligned.

“My son has become an asshole to that bastard, so I can’t just stay still, right?”

Revenge on their own child, who was seriously injured by Frey, with his bones crushed, and is still lying in the hospital, squirming.

“And, it would be good to tame this really rambunctious princess.”

Also, the restoration of the children’s honor and influence.

In addition, they proved their abilities to the prince and the emperor, and even to shrink the Klana faction.

It was a move typical of big figures in the political world, with a mixture of personal emotions and political maneuvering.

“Lestric, Count Saint. You are here too.”

“Marquis Hecrane? Nice to meet you. I see you here.”

“We could have handled it on our own, but you walked this far…”

Even among the household heads, everyone’s attention is focused on the meeting of the big guys in the middle.

Emperor – Marquis Hecrane, who is the leader of the prince’s faction, and Count Lesteric and Saint Count, who serve as the prince’s right and left arms, respectively.

The Starlight Dukedom, which until recently reigned at the pinnacle of imperial power and was even discussed for granting the Grand Duchy, has stumbled, and the Moonlight Duchy and the Sunset Duchy have maintained ostensible neutrality. Now, with the exception of the Count Justinian family, there is no way to stop them with power. There weren’t many people.

And the sight of those three powerful men talking on horseback with angry expressions on their faces was a sight not easily seen.

“If you stay in the background too much, your sense of self will be diminished. That’s why sometimes you need to step up to even bothersome tasks like this. Isn’t that right?”

“As expected, you are the Marquis. I’m already thinking more and more tricks.”

“Anyway, shouldn’t we go in slowly? The more time we give, the more prepared the fierce princess will be.”

While Lestrick flatters Marquis Hecrane’s words, Count Saint looks at the academy with sharp eyes and mutters.

He was the head of a fairly old martial arts family, although not as famous as the famous swordsman Bywok family, and was rumored to be on par with the leader of the Imperial Knights in terms of skills.

His intuition was shining sharply.

“For some reason, I have a bad feeling. We must not let down our guard and proceed steadily.”

“Everyone knew that would be the case and brought their family’s knights. They won’t be able to compete with something like the Academy.”

However, the Marquis waved his hand and said so.

“I think I would like to lead the soldiers, but the academy’s ancient magic is so strong.”

“Well, not even the magic tower spell can be dispelled.”

Although they had brought the family’s private army for a political show, the academy’s ancient magic was still strong.

Therefore, the only people who can come in for ‘counseling’ are the blood relatives of the enrolled student.

And when the academy causes trouble for a student, as Frey did this time, up to three guards belonging to that blood family can be brought along.

In some ways, it was a difficult number of people to fight against, let alone check, but what was important was quality, not quantity.

The reason why the corrupt Sunrise Empire is still called an ’empire’ is because it possesses a large number of ‘Knight Commander’ level talents that are incomparable to other countries.

A knight commander-level talent who succeeded in awakening his own sword skills, of which there are only about three people in an ordinary kingdom.

When a war broke out between countries, they were such an important human resource that the first thing to judge was how many knight commander-level talents each country had in order to infer victory or defeat.

And such manpower was monopolized by the parents of Killian students.

That was why Klarna had not yet achieved hegemony even though it was increasing its power with overwhelming momentum, and why the Killian faction wielded omnipotent power.

“The nine knights we have as bodyguards alone are enough to easily destroy a kingdom. In addition, the bodyguard knights of other household heads overlap, so no matter how resourceful the princess is, it will be impossible.”

“Well, that’s true.”

Therefore, as the Marquis spoke in a confident voice and walked forward, the two counts also nodded and walked forward.

“So, how will you treat Frey and the princess? It’s a closed space, so no matter what you do, they won’t be counted.”

“Frey crushes all the bones in the body. The information in his brain is useful. And the princess… I think it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to educate him to our liking.”

As they passed through the academy’s defense shield, evil plans began to come out of their mouths.

“According to the information, he seems to have fallen in love with Frey. My son would be better off than such a commoner. Of course, that is after he stays at the academy and completes the ‘proper education’.”

“Now that I think about it, I heard that the Academy maids are quite beautiful. The ones that stay and give prizes to the knights…”

“Let’s take this opportunity to reform the sponsor system by recruiting or replacing the dean to our side. Of course, all the sponsors are from our family. They will also consider it an honor to serve.”

The three family heads entered the academy accompanied by guard knights and smiled while spitting out their deepest thoughts, as they were all corrupt.


Someone blocks their path.

“From now on, we will guide you.”


Isolette, whose eyes were colder than usual, was blocking them, accompanied by faculty members.

“Well, do whatever you want.”

“I’m sure Frey and the princess are doing well, right? I want to go to the counseling room quickly.”

The Marquis of Hecrane and Count Lestrick, who looked at Isolette with slightly wary eyes at first, then glanced at the knights standing behind them and began to follow her with a smile.


Count Saint, a powerful knight commander, was sweating coldly with a pale face.

“Is it an illusion?”

When he faced Isolette, even if it was only for a moment, he felt it clearly.

A pure and pure sword energy that I had never seen before in my life was blooming from her body.



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I felt completely overwhelmed.

When I was young, I witnessed the moment when the emperor was truly angry.

And when sparring with the Imperial Knight Commander.

After those two moments, I felt helpless for the first time in a long time.


“Oh, yes. I’m leaving now.”

Thanks to this, he, who had been sweating coldly while standing blankly in his seat, came to his senses and began to walk when the knights called.

‘…I need to come to my senses.’

If he could exert all his strength in a split second and unleash that much force, he would have to keep his head straight to be able to subdue it.

Therefore, the Count of Saint, who was warming up his body with his eyes wide open, soon stopped again because of a thought that came to his mind.

‘What if it wasn’t a fleeting moment?’

What if the difference in class was so great that you could only sense it for a split second?

Oh, no way. No way.

I couldn’t miss the chance to get the academy.

The brightly colored students and maids were fluttering in front of me.

And, it was a golden opportunity to get hold of the sassy princess. She would rather have her own son than hand him over to her arrogant and plump marquess and his son.

“If all goes well, we can use the knights as shields.”

The Count of Saint shook his head while muttering like that, and for some reason, he began to hasten his slow steps.


It was Isolette who glanced at him with cold eyes.


“So, what is this about?”

The Marquis’ voice rings out as if he is astonished.

“Please wait.”

Isolette, who led them to the auditorium rather than the counseling room, left only those words and sat down on the chair on the podium.

“Okay, feel free to try it out.”

The Marquis stared at her for a moment, then muttered in a greedy voice.

He thought that the more this happened, the more their cause would increase.

“Frey, and bring Klarna.”

However, Count Lestrick, who was impatient, crossed his legs with an arrogant expression and opened his mouth.

“Before we overthrow the academy.”


Then, someone sitting next to Isolette smiled.

“Who are you?”

Count Lestrick asked that question with a cold expression, with a smile that echoed throughout the auditorium as if he had no intention of hiding it.

“I guess I lost my head.”

Eventually, he looks at Lulu and Irina who were sitting next to Isolette and mutters with a twisted smile.

“If we take over the academy, we’ll have to kill that bitch first.”

“The princess comes first.”

Then, the Marquis muttered with a somewhat rational expression on his face.

“Bring Frey and Klarna within 5 minutes. If you don’t do this, I will release the knights.”

Count Lestrick slightly nodded at him and spoke again with a very arrogant tone.

“Do you think we’re kidding?”

“Why are there kids? Do they have a student council or something?”

“Matriarch, shall we kick you out?”

At the same time, the heads of the families were making noise and glaring at the people on the stage.

The atmosphere was becoming even colder.

“Uh, hey… Marquis.”


In that atmosphere, the Count of Saint, who was looking at Irina and Lulu with a pale expression, tried to say something to the Marquis in a trembling voice.

-Turp, trudge…

“Is everyone gathered?”

At that very moment, Frey and Klarna entered the auditorium and began to climb up to the stage, and the Marquis’s concentration could not help but be focused on them.

“Be blunt, Professor Frey.”

As soon as the two reached the podium, Count Lestrrick, who was sitting next to the Marquis, stood up and started talking with an arrogant expression.

“I am arresting you based on your acts of violence, attempted murder, and other illegal acts against the children of all the heads of households present here.”

“Arrest? By what authority?”

“With the legal authority of the nobles under imperial law. Since our blood relatives have been harmed, we have the authority to use force.”

As he said that, he looked at Clanna with creepy eyes and spoke.

“Also, the princess needs to join us for a while and be investigated.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not a punishment. There are suspicions that you instigated and encouraged Frey’s criminal activities.”

“Like you just said, it’s just a charge. And you don’t have the right to arrest me, a member of the royal family.”

After saying that, Restric added, his eyes shining at Clanna’s rebuttal.

“Of course, we cannot arrest the princess, who is a member of the royal family. That is why we are conducting an ‘investigation’. As a reference. If you will just accompany us for a while…”

“Are you threatening me now?”

“No, no, I don’t think so. I’m just exercising my rights guaranteed by law.”

As he said that, he muttered to himself.

‘I am skilled at interpreting complex imperial laws to my advantage. No matter how much the princess is, she doesn’t have the wherewithal to refute it.’

Both the legal basis and justification were ahead of the curve.

At first, when I heard that Frey had turned my son into a half-asshole, I was angry to the core, but now I was so grateful to him.

Didn’t his one action create a butterfly effect and provide a golden opportunity to obtain the academy and the princess?

Of course, the princess could have endured without responding, but as long as the most important force was ahead, their victory was clearly visible.

Of course, the princess’s invisible guards could have been a variable for some reason, but the knights they brought were the strongest in the empire.

‘By the way, it’s pretty.’

The Count, who sensed complete victory, muttered to himself as he looked at Klarna, who looked somehow feminine.

‘You’ve lost your youthful t-shirt. It’s almost a waste to give it to the Marquis.’

The moment he thought that, he quietly raised his hand and was about to give an order to the knights.

“Unfortunately, everything you said was wrong.”


Frey began his story with a kind smile.

“I have no reason to be arrested by you.”


Then, Count Lestrick asks with a joyful smile.

“What is the reason?”

He was a person who liked to argue about the interpretation of the law. Although the situation was dire, there was no need to rush as the knights brought by the head of the family had their eyes wide open.

“You’ll have to explain it in a way that makes sense.”

Rather, it was a good opportunity to embarrass Frey, who had been acting like a duke, and to raise his own prestige. That’s why the count said with a cold smile.

I was looking forward to seeing what kind of tricks that idiot would use.

“I have all criminal charges suspended until I go to trial in a few months.”


However, what came out of Frey’s mouth was neither raw food nor empty words.

“I have already completed a secret deal with the imperial family and the church upon receiving the position as a teacher at the academy. I will withhold punishment for high treason, participation in the Demon King’s army, and 325 other criminal acts.”

Hearing those words, the Count’s expression begins to harden.

“This has been confirmed by the Emperor’s edict issued on Orientation Day. Did you know?”

“I know that.”

“Is that so? I thought you didn’t know because you were the first to run away.”

Frey smiled as he said that and continued speaking while pounding on the podium.

“The act of violence and attempted murder that you allege me are also one of those 325 crimes. And the execution of that crime has been put on hold by the emperor.”

“Bullshit! The person who committed the crime and the date are different! So, they should be tried separately…”

“No, the edict issued by the emperor was clearly a suspension of the ‘criminal act’ I had committed. I tried to add it in at the end just to see if it would work, but he announced it as is because he thought he was too tired to be bothered.”

As soon as Frey finished speaking, the family heads began to stir.

“So, the crime I committed against your children may be subject to aggravated punishment when I go to trial in a few months, but it cannot be executed right now.”

Frey, who added those words to them, says with a reassuring smile.

“So you can’t arrest me or use Klarna as a reference right now. My crime will have to be dealt with at the trial in a few months.”

“But the investigation…”

“Why do we conduct an investigation? I have already admitted to all the crimes. The cause-and-effect results are clear and all the evidence has been submitted. There is no reason to conduct an investigation.”

“Hey, this bastard…”

When Frey spoke, imitating the Count’s arrogant expression, Count Lestrick got angry.

“Don’t you know that His Majesty the Emperor is behind us? There’s nothing wrong with that edict…!”

“That’s what you call yourself. In fact, the emperor is not on your side, is he?”


The count, who was trying to claim the title of emperor, widens his eyes when he hears this.

“The emperor is a person who gave up everything because of inconvenience, right? He didn’t stop you guys from calling yourself the emperor faction, but he doesn’t consider you guys to be on his side and doesn’t even listen to your favors.”


“In the end, you are nothing more than Prince Killian’s faction. You just set up the emperor, who did nothing, as a meat shield.”

“Everyone, shut up! That’s just your delusion! If you want, send a letter to His Majesty right now…”

“Why don’t you send it?”

After saying that, Frey sighs and says.

“I’ll wait for you as long as you want.”

Frey knew very well the cursed emperor, who had been showing an annoyed expression even the moment he was decapitated by him in the previous episode.

That the oath and edict he made to Klarna were unusual, and that the emperor would not react to their old-fashioned political fight one bit.


Just like that, Frey coldly looked down at the count who was blushing but couldn’t say anything.

“That’s great, Freyr.”

He turned his attention to the Marquis, who had been observing the situation until then.

“But there is one thing you are overlooking.”

The Marquis, who was looking at him with an experienced expression, smiled and spoke.

“Actually, the legal interpretation is not that important. I already knew that if we dig deeper, this would happen.”

“Is that so?”

“I didn’t expect you to point it out perfectly. Anyway, the important point is.”

The Marquis stood up, looked around, and continued speaking.

“It was thanks to your mistake that we led the knights and invaded the academy.”

Then, the Count, who was blushing next to him, sat down with an expression of realization.

“Do you really think we will step down if the legal issues are not resolved?”


“From the moment we got in here, the game was already over. So far it was just a packaging process. Even if the packaging gets a little messy, it doesn’t change the fact that we won.”

The Marquis, who had said that, looked at the Count of Saint, who had not said anything until then, and said:

“Deal with it.”

However, something is strange.



The Count of Saint was steadfast.

“ha ha ha…”

“Where does it hurt?”

The Marquis, who was looking at the Count Saint, who was sweating coldly with a pale face, tilted his head and asked him.


However, the Count of Saint muttered without even looking at the Marquis.

“It’s a trap…”

His eyes stayed on Isolette, Lulu, and Irina.

“Uh, we need to get out of here quickly…”

“That’s it, I can’t take it anymore!”

The words that came out of his mouth were drowned out by the cries of Count Lestrick, who was shouting angrily.

“Beat Frey right here, and drag the princess out! Quick!”

The moment he said that, he pulled out a sword from his belt and took the lead in front of the knights who moved in perfect order.

“Huh? Bring out the princess?”

Frey says with a bright smile.

“Is this an insult to the imperial family?”

“Shut up!! You devil… Quack!?”

And the next moment, the Count’s eyes widen and he grabs his stomach.


Then he pours out blood from his mouth.

“Insulting the imperial family is the death penalty?”

Looking down at him, Frey mutters quietly.

“Ah, but murder is not included among the 325 crimes… killing is a bit weird.”

“What are you doing now…”

“I will educate you instead.”


Then he mercilessly breaks the count’s arm.

– Uddukdukduk…!

“Do you know what? Right now, if I commit any crime except murder, it’s on hold until a few months later.”

Frey, who had been tearing his arm to pieces for a while, wiped the sweat from his forehead and spoke in a pleased voice.

“No matter how high your status is, I can’t punish you.”


“Is that strange?”

Frey, who had broken the count’s back, muttered in a low voice as he looked at the knights of the rank of knights who were running toward him at the marquis’ order.

“Why didn’t you understand when I warned you?”

As soon as those words are finished, the three knights who were attacking Frey fall unconscious.

“Oh, by the way, everyone was telling interesting stories at the school gate earlier.”

Frey looked around at the heads of the family whose eyes widened at the sight.

– Kwasik…!


He crushed Count Lestrick’s crotch and asked a question with a bright expression.

“Do you all lack education?”

– Kwasik, Kwasik, Kwasik…!

The expression on Count Lestrick’s face as he was repeatedly trampled by Frey began to turn miserable.

“Why aren’t you saying anything? I need to consult you? Count Lestrick?”

“…St. Count, please.”


And that was the same for the Count of Saint who heard the Marquis’ orders.


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