The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me Chapter 46

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Episode 46

[Penalty occurred!]

As soon as I opened my eyes, what started to appear in front of me was the penalty window that I never wanted to see again.

[Permanent debuff: Fate of the Wicked]

[The user’s lifespan and vitality have been drastically reduced]

As soon as I saw that window, I almost screamed, but the moment I saw the bottom of the window, even the strength to scream disappeared.

[Stack: 2] [Special Stack: 1]

“What is a special stack?”

It seems that even if something goes wrong, it goes wrong for a long time.

“Well, I…”

As I was looking at the system window with a deep sigh, Irina was lingering next to me, shedding a cold sweat.

“…Get out of my room.”

When I spoke to Irina angrily, her eyes widened and she quickly ran out of my room.

“Fray!! Are you feeling okay?”


“…You go out too, Serena. I’ll call the doctor later.”

Eventually, I gave an order to Serena, who was urgently asking me questions with an owl on her shoulder, and sent her out of the room. A white owl flew from her shoulder, sat on my head, and burst into laughter.


“…This guy is still the same.”

As I touched the owl that had come down from my head and was sitting on the window sill, I asked a question to Kania, who was unable to look directly at me and had her head down.

“So, who caught you?”

Then, Kania asked back with a serious expression.


“Well, according to the penalty window I just saw, it looks like I was caught by two people.”

After hearing those words, Kania started staring at me, speechless.

“It’s okay… According to the book of prophecy, there is a chance of clearing the game somehow up to stack 5.”


“Yes, of course the difficulty level will be extreme. In fact, it is only possible because no one has cleared it. But we can do anything now. So…”

“That’s not the problem…”

I tried to portray the situation as positively as possible to reassure Kania, but she sat down on the bed, held my hand, and started talking.

“…Master, do you know how faint you are right now?”

“Um… a month?”

“Three months.”


As I listened to Kania’s words, my head started to hurt.

“…When is the final exam?”

“It’s tomorrow.”

“I’m going crazy.”

Of course, I had a lot of things to solve, not just the final exam, so I thought for a while about what to do with this situation, but due to the pounding pain in my head, I gave up thinking and closed my eyes for a moment.

“…So, do you know who noticed it?”

“That is…”

Then Kania, who was biting her lip tightly, answered in a trembling voice.

“I do not know.”

“…You don’t know?”

When I frowned slightly and asked, Kania began to answer with a guilty expression.

“First of all, the first time you vomited blood was right after the ‘commoner dormitory attack incident’ ended.”

“…I see.”

“At that time, blood was pouring out of the hole in the boy’s face, and considering the seriousness of the situation, he was admitted to the Imperial Hospital.”

As I heard from someone else about something that was not in my memory at all, I somehow remembered what I had experienced in that strange dream and began to feel uneasy.

“…But, one month after you were hospitalized, something happened again.”

“yet again?”

“Yes, Master, who had been gradually stabilizing, started vomiting blood again. At that time, I thought his condition had worsened again, but…”

“…Actually, someone noticed it then.”

When I answered calmly, there was silence for a moment.

“Anyway, since you’re awake, see a doctor immediately…”

“No, it’s okay. It’s okay.”


“Make me a sandwich and coffee. I’m hungry.”

When I asked Kania for food again, she quietly left the room with a guilty expression on her face.


After she left, I sighed and started looking at the system window that had just popped up in front of me.

[Clear the commoner dormitory attack incident!]

[The awakening level of the hero’s weapon has increased!]

“…That’s a good thing.”

The only silver lining in this hopeless situation is that the awakening level of the hero’s weapon, which is the only weapon that can compete on equal footing with the demon lord, an out-of-the-box entity, has increased.

Thanks to this, the power contained in the hero’s armor must have returned to some extent. Among them, it has a vitality-boosting effect, but I think I should give up carrying it because there is a risk of being caught if I keep carrying it.

[System update complete!]

With that thought in mind, I skipped through the clear window, and this time the system update completion window appeared.


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[The following functions have been newly released.]

– Cumulative Weak Point System

– Help function

[There are the following changes.]

– Due to the accumulated evil point system, point settlement has been changed to a lump sum payment once a week.

[Accumulated pts: 5000pts]

“…Why are there so many?”

After looking at the waterfall of information that came before my eyes for a moment, I quickly grabbed my head and quietly reached out my hand and clicked on the question mark icon in the corner of the system window.

– This is a system helper for the Way of the Wicked. Please ask any questions you have.

Then, a refreshing voice began to sound in my head.

“…let me ask you one question, what is a special stack?”

To that voice, I asked a question about the ‘special stack’.

Because, although I knew all the other functions, I knew nothing about the ‘special stack’.

– Special stacks are stacks that accumulate when your identity is discovered by a special target.

Then, a refreshing voice began to sound in my head again.

– Special stacks, thanks to their uniqueness, are stacked only once during the entire scenario, and unlike existing stacks, they only significantly reduce vitality.

“…I’m so thankful that it brings tears to my eyes.”

Saying that, I started searching in the secret space of the bag next to the bed to check the remaining lifespan.


However, no matter how much I search, I can’t find a life meter. What is it?

‘…Does Kania have it?’

Since I had told Kania about the secret space in my bag, I ignored it and started asking the helper questions.

“So, what kind of person caught you and gave you the ‘special stack’?”

– The conditions are insufficient. Please meet the conditions.


However, the assistant started making strange noises.

– For a detailed explanation of ‘Special Stack’, it is unlocked along with [Special Function] when certain conditions are met.

“…What are those conditions?”

– The hint is [Understand identity]. Any other answer is beyond my authority.

While I was making a bewildered expression at the helper’s words, a system window suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

[Special Quest: Identifying Identity]

– detail: ???

[compensation: ???]

“…M disease.”

As I was looking at this strange quest that I had no idea what it was, I nervously put the window away and closed my eyes for a moment, lost in thought.

‘…Both the prophecy and the system are going astray. As expected, something is strange.’

I don’t know if it was a few months ago, a few days ago, or a day ago, but according to the dream I had, the memories of Irina and I are also quite different from what I remember and the prophetic book.

And, the system is the same. Restoring the memories of the five main heroines wasn’t enough, and now things like ‘special stacks’, ‘special quests’, and ‘special functions’ that weren’t even mentioned in the prophecy are popping up.

‘…At this point, I’m starting to get scared of what’s going to come out next.’

It has been said that fear always springs from ignorance, and there is no saying more appropriate than that for my current situation.

I thought I was predicting and calculating everything, but more and more unknown things are popping up.

‘It seems like an unknown entity is interfering with the system and the prophecy…’

Thanks to this, my mind began to be filled with questions about who was constantly trying to intervene in my plan to save the world, and what would happen to my future plans if I couldn’t trust the system and the prophecy.

“…I’ll ask you one last question. Are there any items or skills in the system that can increase my lifespan or vitality?”

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly felt a little hopeful and asked a question.

– Such items or skills do not exist in the system.

But the system betrayed even my last expectations.

“Master, I brought you a meal.”

Thanks to that, I turned off the helper and was looking helpless, when Kania came into my room carrying a meal.

“…Yes, sandwiches and coffee are the best for increasing vitality.”

After thanking Kania, I smiled bitterly and took a bite of the sandwich.

“Kania, please report the backlog.”

“Well, rest now…”

“…I’m going to know everything anyway.”

Then Kania let out a deep sigh, took out a notebook from her pocket, and began to look through it.

“First, let me tell you the ending of the ‘commoner dormitory attack incident.’”

Fortunately, the ending of the attack on the commoners’ dormitory explained by Kania was as expected.

It is said that the heroines who escaped from the commoner dormitory with me, who was in a dying state, immediately reported all the facts to the investigation team and the imperial family.

Then, the imperial family and the Sun God Church attempted to cover up this incident as much as possible.

This is because they were afraid that if they acknowledged that the Demon King had reappeared after 1,000 years while they had not yet found the hero, the world would be thrown into chaos.

However, the secrets that Klarna had collected in advance spread the truth of this incident throughout the country, and eventually the imperial family and the Sun God Church had no choice but to officially announce the return of the Demon King to the public.

Thanks to this, I, who was involved in this incident, was on the defensive, but when Serena stepped forward, the situation began to change.

She said that while she was defending me by saying that I had been mentally manipulated by the devil’s minions, she also secretly carried out various political maneuvers with Kania, which led to a long-term war of disagreement over my punishment.

The discussion, which continued for quite a long time, came to an end when the imperial family and the Sun God Church made the final decision that it was premature to punish me, as there was a significant possibility that I, a descendant of a warrior family, would be chosen as a warrior.

Of course, it is said that thanks to that, Isabel, who took everything on my behalf, completely fell along with her family.

“So now, the Empire and the Church of the Sun God are advertising that a ‘Hero’ will soon appear, while at the same time searching in every possible way for someone with the qualities of a ‘Hero’.

“…But it’s no use.”

“That’s right.”

Kania took a moment to catch her breath after such a long report, but soon her expression hardened and she began to speak in a low voice.

“This is the official conclusion to the case.”

“…So, you’re saying there is an unofficial ending?”

“Yes, it is.”

Kania nodded quietly in response to my question and continued talking while looking through her notebook.

“First of all, with this incident… Mr. ‘Klarna’s’ position has become considerably stronger.”


“The public and some conscientious people in the imperial family who saw him taking the lead in trying to reveal the truth began to support Mr. Klana. And as the truth was eventually revealed, the approval rating doubled.”

“…The Empress must be desperate.”

“Yes, that is why I believe that the Empress had a great deal of influence in the imperial family’s stance in defense of you. At this point, the person who can most effectively keep Mr. Clanna in check is you, who used the oath.”

When I heard that, I said with an absurd expression on my face.

“Of course, I expected that to happen… but it’s outrageous that it actually happened. You’re defending someone who could be a liaison with the devil just to maintain power.”

Then Kania took out a fountain pen from her pocket and twirled it around to answer my words.

“The Empress is confident that she can control the young master. It looks like she will soon use this incident as an excuse to put pressure on him.”

“…It’s something I’ve already taken on.”

When I said that and let out a deep sigh, Kania also sighed, turned a page in her notebook, and said,

“Currently, your reputation is… the worst.”


“Yes, it’s because Mr. Klana spread the rumor that you are a member of the Demon King’s army.”

When I heard that, I smiled slightly and answered.

“That’s good. Thanks to you, I will benefit a lot from the cumulative Weak Point system.”

“…is this really a good thing?”

I, who was smiling, came to my senses and fell into thought when I heard Kania’s frowning question.

‘…Yes, you shouldn’t blindly trust the system and the prophecy.’

From now on, I think we will have to be cautious in everything we do.

Of course, if you don’t use the system, there’s no way to beat the devil, so you have no choice but to do what the system tells you… but shouldn’t you at least be vigilant?

So, from now on, I think we need to be somewhat wary of the system, use it to the fullest, and at the same time research the prophetic books and the system.

“…Kania, when is the vacation?”

As my thoughts went so far, I remembered that the only places in this world related to prophetic books and systems were the ruins left behind by our ancestors, and asked Kania a question.

“School vacation is coming in a few weeks… but you probably won’t have much time to relax because you have so much to do.”


However, according to Kania’s answer, it seems that the trip to the West Continent to seek healing and truth will have to be postponed for a while.


As I was eating my sandwich with a blank expression, suddenly a faint moon’s mana began to bloom outside the door.

“Serena? What are you doing?”

Sensing something a little strange, I tried to talk to Serena, who had been waiting in the hallway, but for some reason there was no answer.

“…come in.”

In the end, I pushed back Cania, who was vulnerable to the moon’s mana, and called Serena back into the room.



However, her condition is unusual.

“S-sorry… Ugh!”

“…Serena? Are you okay?”

“I-I’m fine…!”

She, who was sweating coldly, suddenly opened her fan and started blowing wind carrying the mana of the moon.


Cania was embarrassed and surrounded me with a lot of dark magic, and thanks to that, the wind rushing towards me became entangled with the black magic and began to scatter everywhere.

“Serena, stop!!”


When I was embarrassed and gave her an order, she answered sullenly and lowered her head.

– Passy…

And, a red magic circle was shining on her body.

“…Damn Moonlight family bastards.”

Only then did I understand why Serena behaved like that.

The Moonlight family has a curse called ‘family subordination’ that has been passed down from generation to generation.

The curse that has been passed down since the family’s founding allowed the Moonlight family to enjoy omnipotent power as a ducal family, while at the same time taking on an important task.

The important task is the destiny of the assassination family that protects the night of the empire, and it is a noble yet dirty job to purge the target of elimination as decided by the family’s elders and secret head.

Therefore, Serena, who is officially the current head and power of the Moonlight family, is unofficially receiving orders from the Moonlight family’s elder council and secret head.

“I’m sorry. But it hurt so much… and Kania was next to me…”

Of course, he would most likely end up being swayed rather than moving Serena from behind. However, the Moonlight family’s elder council is able to give Serena her orders because they have imprisoned Serena with her ‘Curse of Her Subordination’.

The pain caused by the curse accumulates every time she does not sincerely try to kill me due to the council of elders and the secret head of the family, Dakbun, who probably gave the order to kill me.

Looking at her situation now, it’s clear she hasn’t tried to kill me in three months. Otherwise, there would be no reason to do something like that.

‘…As expected, is that the only way?’

But this will only work once or twice.

In the end, if she doesn’t truly try to kill me, the pain from the curse will become even stronger.

Of course, lifting the ‘family dependency’ curse would be the best solution, but unfortunately, I have no way to lift it.

Even in the ‘Prophet’, which has become quite untrustworthy but still has a lot of helpful information, it only explains the danger and cruelty of the ‘Curse of Dependency’ and does not provide a way to solve it.

It’s an ancient curse that came down with the founding of the Moonlight family, and no one has yet figured out how to do it.

For reference, my ancestor said, ‘The code to clear it has been implemented, but no one has ever succeeded in doing it. As expected, it’s a fucking game.’ He added an additional comment to this part.

I don’t really understand what you mean, but it seems like this curse was an unsolvable problem for our ancestors.

“Fray… I’m fine, so don’t worry…”

“Tell me the truth.”

“…It’s not okay.”

As expected, Serena is shaking in considerable pain. So, I guess I have no choice but to use the method I thought of in advance.

Anyway, if the scenario goes as planned, the Moonlight family’s elder council will be neutralized later.

“Serena, listen carefully to what I say from now on.”


After thinking like that, I opened my mouth, glaring at Serena.

“…I cast an ‘absolute obedience spell’ on you.”


Then, Serena, who was still sweating, opened her mouth and began to make a shocked expression.

– Kuuu!!

“Well, what does that mean?”

And I glanced at the owl that had been quietly holding my hand until then, then suddenly flew out the window and started flying in the blue sky, and then I started talking again.

“Literally. I used you.”

The time has come to release Serena like that owl.



At that time, it was a temporary dormitory for commoners.

“…What does this date mean?”

Irina was muttering while fiddling with a small device she had just acquired in her room.

“Is this a magic tool used to do good deeds?”


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