The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me Chapter 5

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Episode 5

“…Master, wake up.”

“Uhm, what are you…”

“…If you sleep here, you will not only lose face, but also the face of your family. Please wake up quickly.”


I almost died just one day after returning due to Irina’s curse.

Shocked by that fact, I was quietly dabbing in the empty banquet room when Kania came in and I quickly started pretending to be drunk.

“Kania… give me a piggyback ride…”

“Young master, you know very well, but I…”

“That’s right~! Our Kania was a warlock, right?”

“…young master!”

“Besides… I’m always weak due to the curse I have as a warlock… Well, there’s nothing I can do about it…”

“…I’m going to carry you. Please stop.”

“Hehe… Thank you! Kania!”

Kania sighed heavily, picked me up, and soon began to stumble back and forth.


“…Would you like me to drop you off for a moment?”

“If you carry me upright, you’ll never have to get off, right?”


Upon hearing those words, Kania trembled slightly for a moment, but then responded in a voice that contained her anger.

“…I will correct it.”

“Hey! Run, run!”

“…Ha, really.”

Like that, Kania listened to my fake drunkenness with dead eyes and slowly started heading towards my dorm.

“Cough! Cough! Cough!”

“Why are you doing this again this time?”

“Don’t worry about it… Just go on your way, you black magician… Oh, I just said you were a dark magician, not a black magician…?”


And I started breathing life into her while carrying her on my back.

If you do not periodically infuse life like this, Cania will not last long and will die. So, whenever she gets a chance like this, you have to give her some vitality.

For reference, the larger the area my body touches Kania’s body, the more life force is transferred to her.

Therefore, I tried to use this opportunity to infuse several months’ worth of life force, but I gave up the idea when I remembered that Kania was also waiting for an opportunity to kill me.

Instead, I snuggled close to her back, pretending to sleep, and began to breathe a little more vitality than usual. To relieve her of the fatigue she feels.

“I don’t know if it’s God’s trick or what…”

At that time, when I was in the middle of sharing my vitality, Kania, who was walking along carrying me, suddenly started muttering in a voice full of venom.

“…For my little brother’s sake, I will definitely kill you this time.”

‘…It’s too much.’

I’m trying to force myself to share my life force with Kania, so I’m unable to spit out the blood that comes with nausea and keep it in my mouth, but she’s declaring that she’s going to kill me. Thanks to this, for some reason, her heart became depressed.

However, as a wicked person, it is something that cannot be helped.

Now, to Kania, I am, in many ways, a scum who is preying on her younger brother, who shows great talent in healing magic.


I quietly swallowed a lot of blood in my mouth and began to doze off for a while on her back thanks to the side effect of transferring life force.

Of course, I couldn’t fall asleep completely for fear of being murdered in my sleep.

After all, a wicked person cannot do this.


“…Master, we have arrived.”

“Aaaam… where…?”

“This is the accommodation where you will be staying from today. It is a space specially prepared by the academy to the highest standard, so there will be no inconveniences…”

“…get out.”


“Stop leaving, get some sleep.”

After cutting off her explanation, I made an annoyed gesture and ordered her to congratulate me.

“Then, please excuse me.”

Then, for some reason, Kania smiled brightly and bowed at a 90-degree angle. I stared at her for a moment, and the moment she opened her door and was about to leave, I quietly opened her mouth.

“Wait, don’t go.”


“Don’t go yet.”

“…All right.”

When I, who had just been telling her to get out, changed my stance, she looked confused for a moment and tilted her head, but then she started to look like she understood.

Probably ‘Why are you acting like that?’ In the question, ‘Ah! ‘You’re trying to do something like that again!’ Wouldn’t he have come up with his own answer?

“…come here for a moment.”

While thinking such foolish thoughts, I purchased [Mind Reading Lv1] from the skill shop window of the system that had been floating in front of me until then, and called Cania to me.


Then, she started coming towards me with a rotten expression on her face. She feels like a shepherd boy from an imperial fairy tale because she has not done anything yet and she is despised.

[Kania’s current emotions: disgust/murderous/anger/contempt/shame/strong will]

Anyway, when I used my mind-reading skill on her who came up to me, the emotions that came to mind were truly spectacular, except for the last one.

It is clear that even the seemingly normal emotion of ‘strong will’ originated from the desire to kill me in the end. This is starting to make me a little afraid of using mind reading skills in the future.

Anyway, it’s amazing that I can understand emotions in such detail even though I’m still at level 1. I look forward to seeing how useful it will be once I level up.


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“…Information window.”

After completing the test of the beginner skill ‘Mind Reading’, I muttered in a low voice this time and brought up her information window.

[Name: Kania]

[Ability: Strength 3 / Magic Power ??? / Intelligence 7 / Spirit 4]

[Special Features: Sickness/Mana Instability/Curse of Self-Destruction]

‘…The magic power level is strange? Is it because of the curse?’

Kania, who was born with the power of black magic, has the potential to literally cover the world with darkness.

However, black magic was not the only thing she was born with.

Her ‘Curse of Self-Destruction’, which came along with her natural talent for black magic, has periodically chipped away at her vitality, and as a result, Kania’s mana has become quite unstable, and at this point, she can’t even use magic properly without my help. .

Perhaps that’s why her magic power level came out as a question mark.

‘…As expected, I have to do something about that curse.’

Of course, I can be alive now because of that curse, but if I continue to let it go, there will come a moment when my life force will not be able to solve it. In just a few months, she will face her first challenge.

So, I think I need to accumulate the evil points as quickly as possible to move on to the next level and find a way to awaken Kania’s younger brother, who is the key to breaking the curse.

After thinking about Cania’s curse, I looked like I wasn’t bothered to tell fortunes and motioned for Cania to leave.


Then, Kania also looked like she was too bothered to talk, bowed her head briefly, and left the room. In this respect, it’s really good that we get along well with each other.

After Kania left the room, I was stunned for a moment and then started checking the list of skills I had.

[List of skills possessed]

[Instinct of the Wicked LV1]

Explanation) With the intuition of a great evildoer, he detects a threat that could lead to death once a day.

[Information Search Lv1]

Description) Displays important information about the object you are looking at in a system window.

[Emergency Defense]

Description) Protects the target from a fatal blow once. (Disposable) (Purchase limit 1/3)

[Mind Reading Lv1]

Explanation) You can read a person’s emotions for a short period of time once a day. (Cooldown does not apply to first use)

“…At this level, it will still be helpful.”

Perhaps because the system is still in the beginner stage, there are no powerful abilities to defeat the Demon King, but this will be very helpful to me at the moment.

First of all, the intuition of a wicked person goes without saying. This is an essential skill for me in the current situation.

The [Emergency Defense] skill seems to be the most useful among the skills I currently have, along with the intuition of a great evildoer. It’s unfortunate that it’s disposable and there’s a limit to the number of purchases, but seeing as it protected me from Irina’s curse, its performance is certain.

Other than that, information seeking and mind-reading can be helpful, but there is no way they can’t be done. Please note that Mind Reading does not have a cooldown for the first use, so you will be able to use it once more within today.

“…Item shop.”

While looking at the skills, I tried to open the item shop this time, but instead of the item shop opening in front of me, a red notification window appeared.

[Notice: This feature is not supported at this stage!]

“…Is this still a long way from being this level of evil?”

I closed the window, feeling like I was being bullied by the system, and opened the stats window one last time.

[Name: Fray Raon Starlight]

[Ability: Strength ??? / horsepower ??? / Intellect ??? / Mental Strength 9]

[Special Note: Fatigue]

“…What? Why are you like this?”

However, something is strange. All figures except mental strength are question marks.

I was embarrassed and tried tapping the stat window, but no interaction occurred except for the mental strength stat. What on earth is this?

‘…By the way, your mental power is quite high?’

Perhaps his mental strength was set high because he gritted his teeth and tried not to be tainted by evil while committing evil deeds in the last episode.

However, why are the other stats marked with question marks? Does this mean that it is from the next level that you can increase or see your stats in earnest? Or, did something go wrong in the aftermath of the regression?

After looking at the system window for a while, making various guesses, I tried to level up the only interactive ability, but the system once again left me a message saying that it was not supported at this stage.

‘…As expected, now I have no choice but to accumulate points by gradually committing evil acts.’

I closed the system with a sigh and closed my eyes, feeling a rush of fatigue.

The system said I was tired, so it might be time to get some sleep. Starting tomorrow, the heroines will be in full control, so shouldn’t they be in good condition?

So, I closed my eyes and soon began to fall into sleep, but…

– Knock knock!


Suddenly, someone started knocking on my door, and I had no choice but to get up and frown.

“who is this?”

“It’s me, master.”


I was getting more angry than necessary at the guy who dared knock on my room at night and was trying to rack up evil points, but for some reason, Kania was standing in front of the door.

“What is all that?”

“…It’s my luggage.”

I don’t know why, but the luggage I brought with me after leaving the family was piled up in the hallway in front of my room.

“Then, please excuse me.”


As I was tilting my head at such a strange sight, Kania suddenly pushed me in and started unpacking my luggage one by one.

“…What are you doing?”

“Are you unpacking?”

“Why are you unpacking your luggage here?”

“Starting today, I have to stay here too.”


I was startled by those words, but soon calmed my startled heart and began to speak slowly.

“…What kind of nonsense is that? You, a lowly person, should go to a dormitory filled with lowly people. This is a noble dormitory.”

“…You didn’t know?”

After hearing what I said, Kania smiled quietly and said something unexpected.

“…I entered the academy as a servant of the master.”

“What? What do you mean?”

Apparently, Kania had entered the academy as an ordinary student in the previous episode. But, why…

“Yesterday, I sent a telegram to your father to ask for it. Fortunately, I received permission.”


“Well, isn’t it because you are worried about the master who has been with you for a long time? There is no other reason.”

Kania gave a cold answer to my question with a blank expression on her face, then slightly raised the corners of her mouth and added.

“Oh, and the duke said… he told me to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble. He said that if you kick me out, he’ll have me expelled from the academy.”


The moment Kania said the word ‘expulsion’, the system displayed a red warning window for me.

[warning! Game over crisis!]

– The Way of the Wicked system judges the following three cases as ‘game over’.

[First: You can no longer attend the academy due to expulsion or some other reason.]

[Second: At least one main heroine dies.]

[Third: The system owner dies in a situation other than the ‘final battle’.]

Yes, the system limits me in this way. Among them, the one that is currently at issue is the first case, expulsion from the academy.

According to the words of the ancestor written in the book of prophecy, it is a coercive force that exists because the background of ‘Blacktail Fantasy 2’ is the Academy… Thanks to this, I am now in a very difficult situation.

Shouldn’t I explain the situation to my father, who knows that I’m a wicked person anyway, and kick Kania out or make her a regular student?

This damn world isn’t that easy.

Due to the magic cast on the book of prophecy, the moment I return, anyone who knows the contents of the book of prophecy except me will have their memories readjusted.

The reason there is such a spell is because if someone in the system knows that I am a villain, there is a penalty that my vitality and lifespan are reduced.

Therefore, if the ‘game scenario’ described in the book of prophecy is correct, my father will probably be very strict by now, and at the same time, will have turned into a person who loves and hates me so much that he cannot bear to kick me out.

It’s a very awkward and strange setting, but it’s the ‘force’ of the ‘scenario’ so what can I do? As expected, there was a reason why our ancestors overused the word ‘fuck you.’

Anyway, to conclude, my father, who was the only one who supported and encouraged me in the previous episode, who was unable to tell the truth to anyone in order to run away with the weapon of the hero who used ‘goodness’ as a driving force, is no longer on my side.

In other words, there is no helper to help me.

While I was thinking about that and feeling depressed, Kania, who had unpacked all her belongings in my room, lay down on the cot, smiled coldly and said hello to me.

“Then… good night, master.”


After saying those words, Kania quietly closed her eyes and fell into sleep.

“…I’m going to turn.”

For a moment, I thought about going out and sleeping after losing my temper for no reason, but I soon realized that if I kept doing it for no reason, not just once or twice, Kania might get suspicious. And crucially, even if she goes out, she has nowhere to sleep.

I guess I won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep from now on.

‘No, do you think you can sleep in the first place?’


“I pray to the holy sun god again today…”

While Frey began to spend the night with his eyes open,

“…He took pity on me, an apostate who dared to doubt the existence of the Sun God, and gave me another chance. I am just grateful and grateful.”

In the women’s dormitory not far from where he was staying, a petite girl was praying with her hands clasped together.

“Despite my shame, I dare to earnestly ask the sun god…”

She was called the ‘Pure White Saint’ in the world thanks to her fine, flowing white hair and kind and pure heart. When a golden aura began to bloom from her body,

“…Please help me this time to tear apart and kill Frey Raon Starlight.”

Soon, his expression changed to cold and he finished praying.

“…If necessary, I will sacrifice the life of Perloche Astellade.”


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