The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me Chapter 85

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Episode 85

“What is the value of the product…?”

“Yes, commodity value.”

Lulu, who was looking at Frey with a soft smile, asked again with a blank expression, and Frey smiled and spoke again.

“You are my possession and a valuable asset, but if you get hurt, the assets I have are diminished. So, of course, I have to treat you.”


When Frey said that and grabbed Lulu’s left arm, she screamed involuntarily.

“What’s wrong? Does it hurt?”

“Oh, that… that…”

“Oh my, my left arm is a mess too.”

After saying that, Frey took out the bandage that was lying next to the bed and started wrapping it around Lulu’s arm.

“This bandage is a high-quality product, so just putting it on has a hemostatic and healing effect. So, a wound like that will heal quickly.”

“Ah… okay, thank you…”

“So don’t do anything like harm yourself anymore.”

When Lulu said thank you with an awkward expression, Frey stroked her head and whispered quietly.

“If the value of the product drops because you keep harming yourself, I have no choice but to throw it away.”

“Oh, no…!”

After hearing those words, Lulu urgently opened her mouth.

“B-please don’t throw it away… please, please…”

“Why? Are you afraid of being abandoned?”

When Frey asked with a grin, Lulu said with a fearful look in her eyes.

“I don’t want to be abandoned anymore…”

“Well, our Lulu was abandoned a lot, right?”


When Lulu widened her eyes at those words, Frey said with a cold expression.

“You got kicked out of the house, getting scolded by your parents for being a child who brings disaster, the friends you make are going through bad things, and the good nun who was trying to help you is unconscious right now, right?”


As Frey began to recite his painful memories, Lulu began to look desperate.

“Well, I’ll do anything… just give it to me…”

“Say, please raise me.”

“Please raise me… please.”

Thanks to this, Lulu immediately responded to Frey’s words by bowing her head, and as Frey stroked her head, she began to feel strange emotions once again.

“Anyway, do you know why I said these things?”

Frey, who was stroking Lulu’s head, suddenly stopped and whispered in a low voice in her ear.

“If you are abandoned by me, it will be over. You know that, right?”


Since it was an irrefutable fact, Lulu nodded obediently, even though she knew very well that it was a swamp.

“That’s why you’re not a person, you’re a pet. That’s for my use only.”

“that’s right.”

“Then, even though I am the greatest son of a bitch in the empire and at the same time an incorrigible trash and evil person, you should obediently be raised by me and love me, right?”

“That’s right.”

When Lulu stuttered slightly in response to Frey’s words, Frey raised his hand.

“Oh my gosh…!”

“What’s wrong, did you really think I was going to hit you?”

Lulu, who thought she was going to get hit by Frey, started to look blank again when he gently placed his hand on her shoulder instead of assaulting her.

“As I said before, you are my property and asset and I will not treat you carelessly.”


“But, if you don’t want that to happen, the story will be different.”

When Frey said that and made a cold expression again, Lulu swallowed nervously.

“Why did you stutter just now? Lulu?”

“Well, that’s… I mean…”

“You don’t want to be my pet?”

“Oh, no…”

“I see… You wanted to be abandoned again?”

When Lulu heard those words, she began to shout with a pale, tired face.

“Yes, I will! I will be your pet! Please…huh!?”

When Frey began to take the hand that was on his shoulder and move it to the button on his top, he looked at Frey with a puzzled expression.

“Pets don’t rebel against what their owners say. It’s just common sense.”

“Huh, huh…”

Saying that, as Frey unbuttoned her clothes one by one, Lulu lowered her head and began to moan strangely.


However, despite this, Frey continued to undo the buttons on Lulu’s clothes, and when all the buttons were finally undone, he loomed over her and slowly began to lie down on the bed.



Frey pounced on Lulu and looked down at her sheepishly for a moment, then carefully inserted his tongue into her mouth.


Lulu, who had been lying down on Frey for a while with her face red, unconsciously tried to block the touch with her own hand when Frey’s hand came under her.

‘…If I want to survive, I have no choice.’


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Soon, she held back tears and dropped her hands on the bed.


And at that moment, Frey fell from her.

“Good, it looks like you completely obeyed me. You didn’t even block my touch.”

“Yes, yes…”

When Lulu could barely respond while listening to her heartbeat, Frey buttoned up Lulu’s buttons again and whispered in a soft voice.

“If you had resisted, I would have broken your limbs and thrown you in the alley… thank goodness.”


It was said as a joke, but since it was Frey who said it, it became a possible story.

Thanks to this, Lulu quietly thought about what would have happened if she had blocked Frey’s hand earlier, and soon her face turned pale and tired.

“Hmm… But what are these clothes?”

“Yes, yes?”

Frey, who was looking at Lulu as if she was cute, suddenly frowned and asked a question, and Lulu, who had been shriveled up, was shocked and asked back.

“The clothes you’re wearing right now. They’re too shabby for my pet.”

After Frey said that and clapped his hands, Kania, who had been waiting outside, came in.

“Kania, bring me the most fashionable women’s clothing in our mansion.”

“All right.”

“Oh, and jewels and trinkets.”

After hearing those words, Kania nodded and quickly left the room.

“Oh, why are you giving me clothes…?”

Lulu, who was watching with an incomprehensible expression, soon looked at Frey’s gaze and asked a question.

“He’s my pet, so of course I have to dress him in the most stylish clothes.”

Frey, who heard those words, responded with a natural expression.

“That way, you won’t be embarrassed when you show off to your shadow friends who will come soon, right?”


Lulu, who had been unable to understand Frey’s intentions, finally nodded with an expression of understanding.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Oh, no.”

But perhaps she was too convinced, Lulu looked at Frey with cold eyes, and when he tilted his head, she began to urgently bow her head.

“There’s no need to be so scared. You’ve already obeyed me, right? So, you can be as cute as you want.”

“Master, I brought you the most expensive clothes and jewelry from this mansion.”

“Oh, really? Bring it in here.”

Frey, who was talking while looking at Lulu with a relaxed expression, said with a smile when Kania brought the clothes.

“So, what do you like about the things here?”

“Oh, that’s… I mean…”

The clothes that Kania brought were all so expensive and flashy that Lulu could not buy them even if she worked hard all her life.

“Uh… uh…”

Lulu, who felt an enormous burden when told by Frey to choose one of those clothes, could not choose anything and just continued to moan.

“Lulu? Are you sure you don’t like it all?”

After thinking about it for a while, Frey asked a question with a puzzled expression.

“Oh, no! No! I like them all, so it’s hard to choose just one…”

Lulu, who had been intimidated by Frey from before, quickly started making excuses to avoid looking at him any longer.

“Really? Then take it all.”


I froze when I heard the words that came out of Frey’s mouth.

“You said you like them all? So take them all.”

Frey, who spoke to her as if it was no big deal, spoke to Kania, who was standing quietly next to her.

“Kania, later take all the clothes here and put them away in Lulu’s room.”

“I understand, master.”

Lulu, who only understood the situation after hearing those words, tried to wave her hand with a pale face, but Frey continued the story without giving her a chance to say anything.

“Okay, now bring the jewelry box. We need to find the right jewelry for Lulu.”

“all right.”

After receiving Frey’s command, Kania lowered her head and started heading towards the jewelry box she had brought with her clothes.

“Please handle with care, these gems are weak to shock…”

Eventually, Kania picked up the jewelry box and started walking towards Lulu, who had a blank expression on her face, giving cautions.


For some reason, I fell to the floor while holding the jewelry box.

This happened because of Lulu’s unhappiness, which unconsciously recognized this situation as a ‘happy situation’.


Lulu, who noticed this, was at a loss as to what to do, while Frey and Kania, who were taken aback by the unexpected situation, began to exchange glances in that split-second.

– Sigh…

And a few seconds later, after completing the exchange of glances, Frey stood up and started heading towards Kania.

“Well, master! I was wrong! Please forgive me just once, just once… keke!!!”

Eventually, Frey arrived right in front of Cania and kicked her in the stomach with all his might as she begged for forgiveness with a pale face.

“Heh, heh… Ugh…”

Kania, who had been kicked squarely in the stomach by Frey’s foot, clutched her stomach and began to moan awkwardly.

“…Thank God, the jewel is not damaged.”

However, Frey didn’t even look at Kania and just handed out the jewelry box to Lulu.

“So, which is prettier? The emerald over here? Or the opal over here? Or… the diamond in the middle?”


As the images of Frey pointing at the jewel with a soft smile and Kania suffering from behind holding her stomach appeared simultaneously in her field of vision, Lulu was at a loss for words and just began to make a pale expression.

“Okay, I understand. You take it all.”


“Of course, I am not giving you clothes or jewelry outright, but rather lending them. These are benefits that you can only receive when you stay as my pet, so keep that in mind.”

Frey smiled at Lulu and said as he headed towards the door.

“Dress up with the clothes and jewelry you like, and come to the restaurant. Let’s have lunch together.”

When Frey, who had said that, disappeared, Lulu, who had been bruising, approached Kania, who had been moaning and clutching her stomach.

“Kania… it’s okay…”

“I-I’m…I’m okay…Ugh!”

Kania, who was in so much pain that her face turned bright red, stumbled out of her seat, clutching her stomach, but soon collapsed.

“…Lulu, please change your clothes and come out. I will leave now.”

Kania, who had been shaking for a while, finally got up from her seat and headed towards the door, greeting Lulu politely.

– Sigh…


When Kania left the room and she was left alone, Lulu sat down on the bed and began to organize what had happened so far.

‘Yes, I became his toy and doll. These clothes and decorations… I’m just giving them to show off to his friends who will be visiting my house soon.’

Lulu, who eventually finished cleaning up, started muttering to herself with a cold expression.

‘You can tell just by looking at what happened to Cania just now. No matter how good Frey is to me, in the end, he is an incorrigible villain.’

Thinking like that, she reached for the slightly scratched jewelry box.

‘So all I have to do is… take advantage of the twisted love he gives me.’

Eventually, Lulu, who had chosen a ruby ​​among the jewels, carefully got up from the bed and muttered.

“That will do…”

With a sour expression on his face, he caressed the bandage wrapped around his arm.

“Kania! What’s wrong? Did you get hit squarely? I’m sure you relaxed before kicking me in the stomach?”

“Oh, no… don’t worry about it…”

Lulu’s behavior continued until Kania, who was right behind the door, headed toward the restaurant with Frey, who was trying to rub her stomach, with a worried look on her face.


“What is all this…?”

“Well, it’s a meal.”

After changing her clothes and going down to the restaurant, what caught Lulu’s eyes was the food so gorgeous that her upper legs broke.

“I can’t eat all this food…!”

Lulu, who was completely frightened by the overwhelming appearance, spoke in a trembling voice, and Frey smiled and answered.

“Leave it.”


“Eat only what you want, and if you don’t like it or can’t eat it anymore, leave it behind.”

After hearing those words, Lulu began to look at Frey with a puzzled expression.

“Why, do you not like the food? I was wondering what it would be like since the chefs were hired in a hurry today, but it seems they were just wandering around.”

When Frey frowned at that and got up from his seat, Lulu urgently grabbed him and said,

“Oh, no! I’m satisfied! It’s the best!”

“Really? That’s good. I don’t have to deal with the cooks.”

Frey, who said that, smiled and sat down right next to Lulu.

“Now, try it.”

“Yes, yes?”

“What’s wrong? Isn’t it natural to feed your pet?”

When Frey asked with a puzzled expression, Lulu urgently nodded and opened her mouth.


“That’s right, good job.”

Frey, who put a piece of steak in her mouth and smiled happily, asked a question while stroking Lulu’s head as she carefully chewed the piece of steak.

“How about it, is it delicious?”

“Yes… it’s delicious.”

To Frey’s question, Lulu gave a sincere answer for the first time.

For her, who had been abandoned by her parents since childhood and had no friends, this was the first delicacy she had ever tasted.

“Okay, then this next time.”


“That’s right. You’ve adapted well.”

Lulu, who had followed out of fear at first, gradually fell in love with the taste of the mountain and sea delicacies melting in her mouth, and before she knew it, she was opening her mouth with a blank expression.

“Oh, I asked something.”


Frey, who had been hand-feeding Lulu for a while, wiped Lulu’s mouth with his hand and said with a smile.

“Now you know how to eat food, right?”

“Yes, yes…”

“Okay, then enjoy it.”

When Frey said that and stood up, Lulu asked a question with a puzzled expression.

“Uh, where are you going?”

“I’m full. Eat as much food as you want and leave some for yourself.”

“Now, wait a minute!”

When Frey left those words and tried to climb into the bathtub, Lulu urgently called him out.

“What’s wrong? Lulu?”

“Uh… I mean… if I leave all this food, I’ll just throw it away… wouldn’t that be such a waste?”


“So… next time… I wonder what it would be like to use donation magic to send the excess food to an orphanage or something like that…”

After hearing Lulu’s suggestion with a timid expression, Frey made a shocked expression for a moment, but soon his expression changed to a cold one and he began to approach Lulu.

“Oh, my… sorry…”

“Lulu, there’s something you need to know.”

Eventually, Frey arrived in front of her, looked down at Lulu with cold eyes, and started talking.

“It is quite presumptuous for a pet to suggest something to its owner.”

“Ugh, ugh…”

“A pet just needs to receive affection and attention from its owner and be happy. Understand?”


When Lulu, who was very shriveled, answered with difficulty, Frey, who had been stroking her chin for a moment, then stepped back and said,

“When you finish eating, go to the bathroom on the second floor. There’s some warm water there.”


When Lulu tilted her head at those words, Frey added as he headed toward the stairs leading to the upper floor.

“Maintaining cleanliness is a basic attitude that pets should have, so make sure to keep it in the future.”

After leaving those words, Frey opened the door to his room on the second floor and went in.


Eventually, Lulu, who was left alone in the quiet restaurant, carefully took a bite of the piece of steak in front of her with her fork.


It was a while later that Lulu left the restaurant.



Lulu entered the bathroom and gaped at the sight unfolding before her eyes.

She thought it was just a regular bathroom, but the bathroom she entered for the first time today was dozens of times larger than the hut or tent she had been living in, and was even decorated with jewels, making it a truly luxurious space.

– Bubble bubble…

Lulu opened her mouth like that for a while, but when she heard the sound of bubbles coming from somewhere, she lowered her gaze and immediately forgot what to say.

“oh my god…”

The bathtub was filled with bubbles and filled with top quality potions.

– Shaaa…


After hesitating for a moment, Lulu entered the bathtub and was lost in thought as she watched the wounds and marks on her body from self-injury heal in an instant.

‘Don’t be fooled… he’s a villain. This is not because they really love me, but because they just see it as an asset…’

Before coming here, she had seen a cook stumbling out of the mansion.

When I asked Kania what was going on, she calmly told me the truth.

“When Lulu was receiving food from Frey, she frowned because the fish dish was too greasy, right?”

“Well, how did you do that…”

“The chef who cooked it was beaten up and kicked out of the mansion. Perhaps the rumor will spread and he won’t be able to work as a chef anymore.”


When Lulu looked embarrassed at those words, Kania whispered to her in a low voice.

“Get used to it. Here, it’s routine.”

Lulu, who was thinking about what Kania had told her, soon muttered with a determined expression on her face.

“Yes, Frey is just a villain. All I have to do is use him to get rid of this curse.”

However, Lulu, who was muttering like that, looked down at her now clean body and slowly began to change her expression.

“That would be fine…”

Although it was a strange form, Lulu received a lot of affection that she had never received since she was kicked out by her parents. She ended her sentence with a trembling voice.

“…Why am I so distraught?”

The bubbling bath water enveloped her warmly.


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