The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me Chapter 99

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Episode 99

“…Who are you?”

Frey, who was looking at the girl standing in front of him with blank eyes, carefully asked a question.

“Well, who would it be?”

Then, the girl who was looking down at Frey quietly smiled and answered.


Frey, who had been quietly glaring at the girl for a long time at those words, soon began to tilt his head.

For some reason, it was difficult to read the person standing in front of him.

“It is the devil.”


The girl said while laughing at Frey.

“I said I was the devil.”


The moment those words ended, Frey tried to deliver a slash.


For some reason, when his body stopped moving, he started to look embarrassed.

“You can’t attack me.”

“Uh, why…”

“There’s no reason for me to tell you that.”

As the Demon King who said that slowly walked into the room, Frey began to sweat.

“I will give you a choice.”


“Yes, it would be a pretty cruel choice for you.”

The Demon King who said that spread his arms wide and spoke.

“You either kill everyone in this room and surrender to me, or you just die.”

“What is that…”

“If you choose the former… I will give you the second-in-command position in the Demon King’s army, just like you are doing now. How about that?”

Frey, who had a blank expression on his face at those words, immediately lifted the sword he was holding.


“They said they couldn’t attack me.”

Eventually, Frey, who was trying to swing his sword with the magic of the stars, began to look devastated when the sword he was swinging as if lying stopped.

“How could you… how could I…”

“I know you are a warrior.”


“And I know your nature very well.”

After saying that, the Demon King lifted Klarna, who was lying limp on the bed, and spoke.

“Now, show me your true nature.”

After saying that, the Demon King threw Klarna to Frey, who was startled and took her. He glared at the Demon King quietly and said,

“Now… what are you talking about?”

“I told you to kill me quickly.”

When the Demon King gave an order, waving his hand as if he was annoyed by such behavior, Frey gritted his teeth and responded.



The Demon King, whose eyes widened at the answer, quickly smiled and said.

“Don’t bounce. If you bounce one more time, your head will be the one that bounces.”

“Fuck you.”


However, when Frey gritted his teeth and cursed, the Demon King looked surprised and began to approach Frey.

“Do you really want to die instead of coming under me?”

“Kill me and let them go. Please.”


Then, when Frey closed his eyes tightly and spoke, the Demon King, who stopped right in front of him, frowned and said.

“What did you say just now?”

“You know. Without me, there is no one who can defeat you.”

“That’s right.”

“So, kill me and spare them. If you get rid of me anyway, this world is yours.”

When Frey earnestly appealed to the Demon Lord, she sighed and suddenly attacked Frey.

“Okay, if you surrender to me… I’ll give you a chance to embrace me.”


“It means I will make you mine. It would be the greatest honor for you, a mere human and a loser, right?”

When the Demon King smiled while saying that, Frey, who had been quietly looking at her, soon snorted in response.


After cursing briefly, Frey raised his leg and tried to kick the Demon King, but soon after his attack was once again blocked by an unknown force, he began to look desperate.

“Can’t you understand the situation? Since I’m out of the Demon King’s Castle, you’ve already lost to me.”


“So, that means I can rape you as much as I want.”

After saying that, the Demon King immediately stroked Frey’s chest with his finger and spoke.

“It’s your last chance. Will you be raped by me and die? Or will you be angry and become mine?”


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Frey quietly closed his eyes after hearing the Demon King’s words, and the Demon King smiled and began to whisper in his ear.

“If you choose the latter, it won’t be a disappointing experience…”

“Kill me.”

However, when Frey did not give up his will until the end, the Demon King frowned and said,

“Why? Why are you refusing?”

“It’s simple.”

Then Frey glared at the Demon King with eyes filled with hatred and muttered.

“First of all, the thought of mixing myself with you, the source of all evil, makes me sick…”

As the Demon King’s expression darkened upon hearing Frey’s words, he raised the corners of his mouth and added.

“Secondly, you can’t attack me, right?”


“Otherwise, there’s no way you would try to recruit me.”

After saying that, Frey stuck his neck out to the Demon King and spoke.

“Try to kill him. Try to kill him.”


“You want me to kill you quickly?”

When the Demon King just glared at Frey, he burst out laughing and said.

“Look, you can’t kill me either.”


“And those two… I guess the same goes for everyone else.”

Frey, who had said that much, frowned and added.

“Why? Demon Lord?”

[You have failed the unexpected quest. (You failed to corrupt the hero.)]

[Memories created while completing this quest will be deleted only for the first time. And, as a penalty……]

And at that moment, an opaque system window appeared before the Demon King’s eyes.

– Coo coo coo coo coo coo!!!


Soon, as the surroundings began to distort, Frey, who had a blank expression on his face, suddenly made eye contact with the Demon King, who had fallen away from him and was glaring at him with cold eyes.

“You, you…!”

“It’s no use noticing anything now. The memories from just now will be erased. Of course, it’ll only be this one time.”

Frey’s silver eyes and the Demon King’s ruby ​​eyes crossed belatedly, but the Demon King whispered in a low voice before Frey could say anything.

“This won’t be the end, Freyr. Rather, this will be the beginning.”

“no way…”

“Starting today, I will declare war on you.”

Frey, who was desperately trying to say something, was soon swept away along with the Demon King by the encroaching darkness.

“Of course, you won’t remember.”

The last thing he heard was the devil’s real voice, arrogant yet youthful.


“Master… wake up.”


I got up from the floor, holding my head that felt like it was going to break, but soon my expression hardened and I started looking around.

“What, what happened?”

“Well… I just woke up, so I’m not sure.”

I patted my head, which was not working well, as if it had been dipped in alcohol, and slowly began to recall my memories.

“So… I’ll overwrite Klarna’s memories, then get advice from you… and then a will…”

“It’s not possible.”


Meanwhile, Kania intervened with an angry look on her face, so I scratched my head and said,

“No, there is such a thing as what if. What if.”

“…I’m not saying things like that just in case, young master.”

As Kania spoke with a stern expression, I sighed quietly and turned my gaze to Klarna and said.

“Klarana… are you okay?”

“You don’t seem to have any problems with life activities.”

After looking at Klarna who was breathing hard for a moment, I suddenly noticed a strange noise coming from outside the room and carefully looked out the window.

– Pajijik! Crazy!!

– Kugwagwagwang!!


Then, the scene outside the window where a large-scale battle was taking place came into view.

“Who are you? Who are you to disturb me?”

An unidentified person holding a silver sword that seems to have been seen many times somewhere is engaging in close combat with the secret head of the Moonlight family floating in the air.



The nobles who had suddenly come to their senses were taking refuge in all directions, and Serena was crouching right next to our room, as if she had been injured.


I hurriedly opened the door and went out to help Serena, but the head of the secret family floating in the air looked at me and suddenly started yelling.

“Fray Raon Starlight!!!”

“It’s a surprise…”

I was curious about what the old man with gray hair was eating to make him scream like that, but I think he should cut off his head first.

“Frey… no.”


However, Serena began to dissuade me from drawing my sword.

“If you use your abilities here… you will show your abilities to other nobles. That is absolutely not possible.”

“But, the curse of your dependence right in front of you…”

“You are more important than me, Frey.”

When Serena, who already had a magic circle from the curse of dependence all over her body, trembled and said that, she instantly became angry.

“Then me too…”

“The same goes for you, Kania. If you use black magic, you will be chased for the rest of your life.”

Eventually, Kania, who was next to her, tried to step forward, but Serena just shook her head and watched the battle scene closely.

“…who is that person?”

I started looking at the battle scene following Serena, and pointed to the mysterious person who had been engaged in a fierce battle with the secret leader.

“Don’t you think you’ve seen that knife somewhere?”

“Huh…? Now that I think about it…”

As Serena said, I looked closely at the knife the person was holding, and saw that it had a very familiar shape.

“That… should be kept in the basement of my house?”

I looked at the knife carefully for a while, then frowned and muttered.

– Pajiiiiing!!!


And at that moment, the game was decided.

“Damn it… a kid who doesn’t even know who he is…”

The head of the secret clan, whose right arm was blown off by a blow from an unidentified person called Kid, began to splatter blood in all directions while almost screaming.

“Stop giving up now!!”


When I heard the voice of an unidentified person pointing a sword at the head of the clan, I tilted my head, feeling a sense of déjà vu.


However, before I had time to think about anything, the secret leader began to struggle.

“It means disappear!!!”

– Fazzzzzzzzz!!!

The purple aura was gathered together, shaped into a huge blade, and fired, attacking the unidentified person and me.

– Gagagagagagak!!

“Where are you running away to?”

The unidentified person simply blocked the attack by cutting off the aura with his sword and began to follow the stumbling leader of the secret family who was running away.


The remaining purple aura began to fly towards us.


Cania and I didn’t want to show off our skills, so Serena hurriedly tried to generate moon mana with a fan, but it was too little to block the purple aura containing an unidentified power.

“Fray! No!!”

“…Gather your mana. I will finish it.”

As people’s eyes began to turn to where we were, I urgently spoke to Serena.

“Now, as naturally as possible…”

– Shaaa…!


While he was straightening his sword and talking with a nervous expression, a blinding light suddenly came from behind.

– Kugwagwagwagwagwang!!!

Eventually, the giant golden bird and the purple blade collided, causing a huge explosion, and I, who was staring at the scene in bewilderment, slowly turned my head back.


Then, with a noble expression that had completely disappeared over the past few days, Klarna, who exuded the aura of a ruler, walked out of the room, emitting a more dazzling light than ever before.


As I stared at her blankly, I swallowed my saliva, thinking about passing out and coughing up blood.


The same was true for Cania, who directly overwrote her memories, and Serena, who guessed how things had happened in that short moment and became very nervous.

“Don’t be mistaken.”

At that time, there was a long, tense silence.

“I didn’t save you because I liked you, I did it because I had no choice because of the oath.”


When Klarna looked at me with the same cold eyes as a few months ago and said, all three of us breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

“Get out of the way, we need to get the situation under control.”

He looked at us with strange eyes for a moment, then smiled at Klana, who passed by with a cold expression, and Kania, who was next to him, quietly whispered.

“Nothing has been resolved yet. The memories will come back in a few weeks or months. So, until then, we have to find a solution somehow.”


Only then did I regain control of my nerves, grabbed Serena as she staggered to her feet, and asked her a question.

“Serena, if we go after the secret head of the family even now…”

“You’re late. Judging by the effects of my Curse of Subordination having weakened, it looks like you escaped safely, although you suffered some pretty serious injuries.”


Eventually, Serena spoke with a stern expression, and I made an angry expression and clenched my fists,

“It’s okay. There’s a way for everything.”


“Yeah, sure. Maybe?”

I immediately felt relieved after hearing Serena’s affirmative answer while winking at me.

“Well then, let’s get out of here for now. There are too many eyes watching.”

Thinking that I had done all my business, I quickly tried to get out of here before I received any more unnecessary attention.


“Well, what is it?”

Klana was passing me by without a second thought, but when she stopped and came back to me, she got scared and took a step back.

“I know a dessert cafe nearby that’s still open. Let’s go there.”

“Why all of a sudden?”

When I asked Clanna with a puzzled expression as she grabbed my arm and dragged me away, she answered with a cold expression.

“Are you asking because you don’t know? Your birthday party, which only happens once a year, can’t end like this.”


“On behalf of the imperial family, I will take responsibility for you. So please follow me.”

As I was watching Klana with a blank expression, Klana, who had been looking at me with the same expression in her eyes until then, frowned and said.

“I’m not doing this because I like you, but I have no choice but to do it because of the ‘oath’. Do you know that I’m doing this because I like it?”

“Oh, no… I was just getting the situation under control…”

“The pledge I made with you takes priority over resolving the situation, so please follow me without talking nonsense.”

For some reason, he was weighed down by her ruler’s aura, which had become considerably stronger, and followed behind her with a shaky expression.

“…Anyway, happy birthday.”

Klana muttered to me in a voice that was barely audible.

“Kania, what happened to that?”

“I don’t know either…”

Behind me, who had heard the sound and had an incomprehensible expression on his face, Serena and Kania were muttering something in serious voices.

‘Well, I still have a few weeks or months to spare…’

In such a confusing situation, I made a new resolution.

Although Klarna has become a time bomb and has come to hate me again, unlike last time, she will treat me as well as possible.

Tonight, the stars are very bright.


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