The Return of The Crazy Demon Chapter 361

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Episode 361 They said it was my fault

While I was running at a light angle, I realized that the hole was too wide. Since Usa was on the other side from the beginning, it seemed difficult to catch up.

After pausing the chase for a moment, I looked at the pit.

“… … .”

The remains of the cultists and dust were mixed in the little hell I had created. Looking at the pit, I was able to easily answer the question of who was more evil.

Of course it is me.

So what?

I laughed differently than usual. Even though I thought I should smile, not only my smile but also my facial expressions were forced.

It seems like Gwangmyeongwoosa’s words pierced me somewhere, right?

For a moment, I calmed down my heart and looked at the demon slaughtering Hong Mo-han’s group from across the pit.

I didn’t need to help him because he seemed to be fighting much better than I had seen him before.

After sitting cross-legged, I looked into the pit and saw the dead people off. He scraped the dirt with his hands, grabbed it, and sprinkled it into the hole.

“… … bye. Even if someone steps on a swarm of ants, they will not be wiped out like you. It was unlucky. That’s usually what happens when you fight with me. “The devil is no exception.”

The hearts of kings, scholars, and evil spirits were turned to a place where light shines, but as if there was a reward in return, Gwangmyeong Usa declared that he would walk the path of a non-human.

How can we stop this?

In fact, you can stop the sword, but there is no way to stop your mind from changing.

Just as the sect leader was unable to turn back the Sword Demon’s steps.

Gwangmyeong Woosa blames me.

If a massacre occurs because of that, it will be my fault. It could be said that because they massacred the believers, they were given a justification for revenge. I was very displeased with the fact that Gwangmyeong Woosa had given me the justification for revenge rather than being damned.

However, Lim Sobaek and Murimmaeng are fine.

There are bastards hiding everywhere, and the kings are quite strong. I controlled my mind with the belief that if the big trend continued in the right direction, others would solve problems that I could not prevent on my own.

There are charlatans in this powerhouse.

Even if they are not charlatans, there are those who do not want to cross the line.

Even if I had the best martial arts skills in the world right now, if I couldn’t stop what happened from Gwangmyeongwusa’s twisted mind… … .

So, I thought that it was necessary to produce even more disciples.

In the end, the charlatan is the strongest?

That is correct.

Even if something is difficult for even the best expert in the world to do, charlatans can do it. The charlatan that Ki Seong-ja mentioned was not just one person.

Couldn’t Lim So-baek run around alone until he got old and died?

I grabbed the dirt again and sprinkled it into the hole.

“bye. Those guys who lived as they were told… … . “Poor bastards.”

Judging from the rampage of the evil spirit so far, Hong Mok-han and his party seem to have been quite strong. However, the situation was quickly resolved as the ghost demon who joined them swung his six-sword sword.

A sword demon suddenly appeared, sat down next to me, and looked at me.

“… … “Where are you injured?”

I looked at the sword demon and then patted my chest with my hand because I didn’t want to let out a groan.

It is a hand gesture that indicates that a mental problem is being resolved. I’m not sure what his eldest brother took to mean, but he nodded his head once and then looked at the pit as I did.

“Who came?”

“Second son, Grand Duke Yang, Master Gwangmyeong.”

The Sword Demon sighed.

“You managed to hold on. Good job.”

“Are you sure you did well?”

The Sword Demon narrowed his brows and looked into my eyes and said.

“How can you do better than this?”


The Sword Demon said while looking at the pit.

“If we had not used this season, it would have been impossible for us to join. When the disciple said that lightning struck in the dry sky, the second one said that the sound of the lightning was too loud.”

I looked at the sword demon.


The Sword Demon spoke in a calm tone.

“The three of us ran aimlessly. “Without even knowing where I was going.”

Only then did I start laughing.

“I missed Usa. Oh, no. I also missed the Grand Duke Yang and his second son.”

“It’s not strange to miss out. Woosa is a man who has never shown his bottom. There’s no way you’d be this depressed just because you missed it. “What did Usa say?”

For some reason, the eldest brother had a vague understanding of the situation. He relayed Usa’s words to his eldest brother.

“It seems like he was mentally shocked by my sun and moon light spring, and he said he would walk the path of a secret person. “They say it’s my fault.”

The Sword Demon nodded and answered.

“Even Usado loses his composure sometimes. Saying things like that. But you don’t have to worry about it.”


“It is a shameless statement to say that you will now come and walk the path of a non-human. This is a man who has become that strong for a long time. When he disappeared and reappeared, his prayers had changed before he knew it. I knew it and the religious leader knew it, but I didn’t bother to ask. I know Woosa somewhat. He must have run away with the intention of avoiding the reinforcements that would come from Baeungji, and at the same time, after pulling you out, he would have counterattacked in a secluded place. It was a good thing I didn’t pursue it. Since he’s a very wary guy, he might be able to pursue the chase alone. Simma comes to everyone. “Usa is no exception.”

“To be honest, I didn’t have much energy to keep up. Somehow, it seemed like he had more strength than me. “It withstood the aftermath of the Sun and Moon Light Spring quite well.”

The color demon and demon demon approached while catching their breath. As soon as the eardrums came, she looked at my face and said,

“Where are you injured? Your complexion is as bad as that of a sick chicken. “Is it because I only eat chicken?”

I laughed alone at the demon’s joke.

Saekma held out to me two blood-soaked sword blades.

“What is yours? Write “Haomenju” on the handle. Or just write him off as crazy. You can’t tell the difference. “You crazy guy.”

They are both the same Mohist secrets, so how would I know?

“Give me anything.”

Saekma threw a sack of ink swords to me. After receiving the dagger, I wiped the blood on the blade on my sleeve. Naturally, in order to leave a signal to the Four Major Villains, it would have been easier to recognize the ink sword than the flash sword.


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We sat side by side on the edge for a while and looked into the deep hole.

The color demon said to the sword demon.

“Master, it seems like there are definitely a lot of talented people in the school. “It was quite strong.”

When the Sword Demon just nodded, the Demon Demon spoke.

“Why is the pit so big? I can’t believe it even though I’m looking at it. “Is there a hole in the third child’s heart?”

Hearing the demon’s words, the color demon stuck out its head and looked at me.

“Wasn’t it originally open? “No.”

I nodded.

“It was originally open. It wasn’t as big as this hole, though.”

I continued speaking as if I was asking the three people.

“… … “Let’s take a day off.”

The devil answered.

“You can take two days off. “A guy with nothing to do.”

“They said Usa would walk the path of a non-human. I don’t know where the accident will occur, but I have to chase after it. Even if you can’t find it, you should at least pretend to look for it. I have to make a fuss. “It feels like I’m chasing after formless evil.”

The color demon said.

“Thirdly, your condition is bad?”

The Sword Demon nodded.

“It was bad to begin with, so you don’t have to worry too much.”


The demon held out his hand and pointed somewhere in the pit.

“Wow, look over there. A human hand is raised. He must be dead, right? Shall we go?”

As soon as the ghost demon finished speaking, it moved like sand crumbling, and one of its arms fell limply and rolled down.

The Sword Demon asked me.

“Why did you come back so quickly? “I expected to train for at least a year.”

I shook my head.

“People can’t just eat chicken. The chicken will be angry. Now, Cheonak and I can eat, drink, and joke together. That’s enough. “If I had gone any further, I would have ended up talking nonsense like usual, so I just backed off at the right time.”

Only then did I take a deep breath and exhale. Suddenly, the four of us looked up at the sky at the same time.

The sky flashed. Dark clouds were also gathering from afar. Then, a lightning strike, not a sun and moon spring, struck somewhere, and one or two raindrops fell. There was no reason for the four major evildoers to be showered with rain because of my sentiments, so I got up first.

“Let’s go.”

Before I had even walked a few steps, the rain became thicker and before I knew it, a torrential downpour was pouring down. As I walked side by side with the four great evildoers and was beaten by the pouring rain, I regained my composure.

“… … The dog was blaming me. ”

“… … .”

“Let’s pretend it’s my fault. “I have to find him and kill him.”

The pervert looked around and said.

“But where are you going? “It’s not Baek Eung-ji.”

I said as I continued walking.

“I have to chase after you. “You can rest as you go.”

My eldest brother agreed to my simple plan first.

“good night. let’s go.”

The color demon muttered.

“Master, is it possible to find it by just walking like this?”

I answered on behalf of the Sword Demon.

“Even if I can’t find it, I have to go look for it. As if three people found me.”

The color demon muttered.

“Oh, is that something like that?”

Then we walked in the rain in silence.

…While walking in the pouring rain, Usa Gwangmyeong looked back more often than usual. Because it was raining heavily, my senses were different from usual. While he was walking down the street, he saw an old man selling green silk (綠蓑衣), so he approached him.

“How much?”

An old merchant with wrinkles said while looking at Gwangmyeong Woosa.

“If you even make bamboo ribs, it costs three nyang.”

“Three nyang? Why is it so expensive? Public hermitage for three nyang? “They’re charging us because it’s raining.”

The old merchant answered with a surprised look.

“yes? “It’s three nyang of iron coin.”

Gwangmyeong Woosa was rummaging through the bag and looked at the old merchant.

“Iron war?”


There was no iron battle in the battlefield. When I took out a thinly cut silver coin and held it out, the old merchant said with a troubled expression.

“Just take it.”

Gwangmyeongwoosa tilted his head and answered.


“I don’t have any change.”

Master Gwangmyeong glared at the old merchant and asked.

“Are you Hao Mun too?”

“What is Hao Wen? Just take it. “It is not something worthy of receiving a silver medal.”

Master Gwangmyeong put a bamboo hat on his head and a green robe and looked around. There were several merchants looking under the eaves. At that moment, two strong men dressed in black clothes walked down the street and spoke to the old merchant.

“Gu Noya, what’s going on?”

The old merchant waved his hand and answered.

“Oh, it’s nothing. “You don’t have any change here.”

The old merchant whispered to Master Gwangmyeong, barely moving his mouth.

“They are also black people, so go quickly.”

“Is there a black sword?”

The man in black who came nearby looked at Gwangmyeong Woosa.

“What are you mumbling?”

Gwangmyeongwoosa lowered his bamboo hat to cover his eyes, then looked the black-clad men up and down, and eventually took out a silver coin and threw it at the old merchant. The old merchant said in surprise.

“Oh my, you don’t have to give it to me like this. I got the change… … .”


Gwangmyeong Woosa walked in the rain, looking to see if there was anywhere to fill his stomach. He couldn’t see where he wanted to go, so he went into an alley, and as expected, he heard the voices of people in black following behind him.


After Gwangmyeongwoosa turned around, he slightly lifted the bamboo lip and looked at the man in black.

“What’s going on?”

A man let out a rude noise.

“Why do you come into someone else’s territory and boast about your money? Do you have that much money? “If there are too many, do some redemptive action.”

Master Gwangmyeong said something completely different.

“… … “How many people are in your clan?”


“Are you hard of hearing? How many people are there in total? Guide me.”

“Are you crazy?”

Gwangmyeongwoosa sighed and pointed his finger, and a man’s ear was cut straight without any sound and flew backwards. The moment he was about to scream as the blood from his ear mixed with the pouring rain, Gwangmyeong Woosa swung his hand again, and this time his head was blown off.

As the comrade’s head fell with a thud sound, the man in black next to him looked at his comrade’s head with his eyes wide open.

“… … .”

Gwangmyeong Woosa said.

“Guide me. Don’t make me say it twice. And I don’t like loud things. Don’t scream and keep your mouth shut. Take the lead.”

The man in black turned around and walked away in the rain.

Gwangmyeongwoosa asked as they walked side by side.

“How many people?”

“Eighty-three… … “There are eighty-two people.”

“One guy just died, so that’s it. Is he all gathered in one place?”

“Not really.”

“If I call you, you’ll come. Did you come because I look like I have a lot of money?”


“It really is a black road. “Most black people die for money.”

The man in black asked.

“But who are you?”

Gwangmyeongwoosa looked at the man in black.

“I am called Gwangmyeong Woosa. Have you heard of it?”

Suddenly, the man in black stopped walking and looked at Gwangmyeong Usa with a pale face.

“… … .”

Master Gwangmyeong nodded.

“I guess I’ve heard of it. It’s an expression prepared for death. Are you not going to guide me? “If you ask anyway, it’s okay.”

The man in black sighed briefly and then pulled out his sword. When the black sword was half drawn, the black man’s arm and the sword fell to the ground at the same time.

Master Gwangmyeong raised his right hand. Tension made of several red lines stretched out from his palm and covered the black man’s upper body. The black man’s upper body disappeared as if it had melted, and the rest of his body fell into the muddy water and was soon mixed with the rainwater.

Gwangmyeong Woosa slowly looked around once again.

“… … .”

I moved my feet a few times and dipped the body in the muddy water, but then I realized that I probably shouldn’t stay here for long because there were already corpses in the alley.

I feel very uncomfortable because I somehow feel like Hao Wen-ju is following me. Deciding that he could not stay in one place for too long, Usa Gwangmyeong pressed down the bamboo sticks and walked in the rain again.

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