The Return of The Crazy Demon Chapter 408

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Episode 408 Did it work?

The thoughts of the leader are unknown.

Not only me, but everyone looked at the leader.

Somehow, it wasn’t strange for the cult leader to tell us to shut up and attack us all at once. Or, as I suggested, it wouldn’t be strange if it were the best in the world.

I made the suggestion, but the choice is up to the religious leader.

Actually, this is the thought deep in my heart.

Of course, there is a high possibility that I will lose to the leader of the clan. However, it is different when it comes to life-or-death situations involving the four major evildoers. My conclusion is that we can somehow kill the cult leader in the volcano.

This is because the human body cannot endure the sun, moon, and light of my entire body.

But when that happens.

We become unhappy together.

Not only are there not many people who survive.

Our group was so miserable when we survived that we probably wouldn’t have been able to appear in front of Yoran.

This is because we cannot hurt the feelings of young disciples again by showing them the ugly side of the messed up masters.

So my heart didn’t want to go in a direction where everyone was unhappy. I want to believe that I didn’t go through all this trouble just to end up unhappy.

Even after dealing with the cult leader.

How great would it be if we met Yoran in perfect condition?

I hope that one day I can make gyeongdu-guksu for Yoran so that she can feel the greatness of her older brother Deoksu.

Even I, who am much stronger than before, am not confident that I can survive with my limbs intact when faced with life or death.

If your arms are fine, you can make gyeongdu-guksu noodles… … .

Of course, if it’s someone who needs to be killed, I’ll kill them anyway.

If you ask me who we should kill by giving up the rest of our lives and our noodles, I don’t know anymore.

This is because he has never directly killed anyone around me. Just like in my previous life, the fact that he is the head of an organization that can cause a political and demonic war is a source of anxiety, but I have blocked that possibility at the source by giving power to Lim Sobaek and Baekdo.

Before hearing the leader’s answer.

Our eyes turned to Maehwajangju.

For the first time, I was coming out as a group with the Shibi, and everyone was holding a tray in their hand.

The plum blossom manager who arrived bowed his head to the religious leader.

“Sir, this is Maehwajangju. The day was a bit hot, so I was late in saying hello because I had to make tea with water from a deep well. It’s nothing compared to eating ice in the middle of winter, but it will still be refreshing. “It’s an iced tea that we only drink occasionally, so it doesn’t even have a name.”

The civil servants put down the iced tea from the tray on the table and gave it to the people standing there.

Whether it’s a fight or a fight, you have to drink some cold tea first.

This is because even the strong players are hot.

Master Wei said in an awkwardly quiet atmosphere.

“Master, let me drink it first.”

“… … .”

The attitude was that he was going to check for poison, but the leader drank the iced tea first without saying anything.

We tasted the cultivar first and then drank the iced tea. In the end, the person above drank the iced tea last.

Just as Maehwajangju said, it was an iced tea that refreshed the heart, and it had a sweet taste, perhaps because it was mixed with a little bit of fruit juice.

How about a sip of iced tea before a big fight?

From a clean aftertaste to a rich flavor… … .

“Hmm, okay.”

What on earth would we have been fighting if we hadn’t discovered Maehwajang? This means that if you get thirsty while fighting in a volcano, you should have come down the mountain. Or fighting around the waterfall in the first place… … .

That is why the famous sect is not in the barren desert, but in the mountains. When the stream of consciousness reached the words, “A mountain is a mountain, and water is water,” I came to my senses while drinking cold tea.

After drinking iced tea, the head of the school spoke to the owner of the plum shop.

“It was a good drink. “It seems like you have something you want, so tell me.”

“Yes, leader. “Would it be okay for me to let you in and see what my seniors are doing?”

“If you have something to gain, do it. “But you don’t know what will happen, so just watch it inside the house.”

“Thank you for your consideration. “Master.”

“Are you a descendant of Guan Yunzi?”

“He is not unrelated, but he is a later generation who is shameful even to be called a later generation. Guan Yun-zi was more interested in learning than martial arts, and most of the martial arts that were handed down over a long period of time have been lost, so it is shameful to claim that he is a later person.”

“Still, it looks like those hands have been used to wielding a sword for a long time.”

“Yes, I had no interest in learning, so I trained alone, holding on to books that were less than half left and a few words passed down by word of mouth.”

“Did you originally know Moonju?”

“It’s a bit surprising to me, but they just came and asked me to borrow a place to dance because the scenery was nice.”

The cult leader looked at me.

“Because the scenery is nice?”

I didn’t have anything else to say so I just nodded. I wonder if there is any reason to fight in a place with bad scenery.

Maehwajangju spoke as if he felt a little wronged.

“… … “If I had won, I would have sent him back, but I lost and this is what happened.”

Maehwajangju muttered as he looked around the part of the manor that was already in shambles.

“The manor also became like this.”

I burst out laughing and giggled to myself.

“I’m sorry.”

Surprisingly, Maehwajangju was a man who could communicate with both us and the religious leader. However, there was no fear of the religious leader like the one above. If a person has nothing to be ashamed of, does he or she have no fear? Anyway, as I saw before, Maehwajangju was the best sword in front of the religious leader.

This is because he is a man who knows the inherent value of courtesy.

In addition, this kind of courtesy shines when the outside and inside are the same, so the atmosphere was quite different from the courtesy in the sitting temple above.

The cult leader nodded.

“I understand.”

It means that he understood it, but it was also an order to congratulate him and tell him to withdraw with his rivals. Maehwajangju entered the road manor along with the civil servants holding trays. In any case, it would be best to watch from afar. In fact, if your martial arts level is not high, there is a high risk of dying while watching these masters fight.

At the very least, it must be a frog that can hit a suddenly flying stone with its front paws, but Maehwajangju is a frog that lacks internal strength, so it is right to stay far away.


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As soon as I had the luxury of a sip of iced tea… … .

The religious leader opened his mouth.

“The upper left temple.”

“Yes, leader.”

“Have you restored much of Gwangseongja’s martial arts skills?”

The above left-handed man looked greatly embarrassed and mumbled his words.

“Well, that’s… … .”

“You wanted to challenge me after you achieved great success, but was it too early?”

“no. “I tried to restore it through in-depth research, but it was not an easy task because the old martial arts methods were completely different.”

“Still, I think your family has achieved results by embracing Ilwol in an arrogant way.”

The leader looked around at us and his gaze rested on me.

“I heard from the report that Munju has been dealing with samadhi evolution for a long time.”

Are you talking about the salt world? I didn’t deny it.


“There are less than a dozen martial arts that deal with samadhi evolution left in the powerhouse, and even I don’t know what type of martial art the samadhi evolution you are using is.”

This was the first time I had heard of this, even for me, who was well versed in the field, so I asked the leader.

“How come there are only a dozen left?”

“It’s been so long that it’s bound to be forgotten.”

“I think there’s a story behind being forgotten.”

The cult leader nodded.

“Humans inherently seek comfort. There are many branches of samadhi evolution, but the essence is to burn the true energy that Kang Ho-in talks about. This means that if you burn more than you have accumulated, the originality will be damaged. The more you feel damaged, the more obsessed you become with fortune telling. This is also deeply related to the mind and spirit. Because holding fire and burning it are two different things. Most experts who can handle samadhi evolution are not free from samadhi evolution. Why is that so?”

“Well, in the end, I ended up burning more energy than I had accumulated to win… … .”

“That must be the essence of a strong man.”

I looked at the religious leader with a shocked heart.

This person knew why poop-swaddling people were called sex demons, and he even figured out some of the reasons why I became a mad demon. If you are well-versed in martial arts, you seem to be able to predict most things that happen because of martial arts.

So, the sect leader was also the Grand Master.

The religious leader told me.

“There are even fewer Samadhi Evolution martial arts that the magician does not possess. Munju seems to be a descendant of an established scholar or a descendant of miscellaneous esoteric Buddhism, but was there a connection?”

It was difficult for me to stand for a while, so I sat down near the priest and then answered.

“I actually learned the martial arts of an established person.”

The cult leader nodded.

“You’re lucky you didn’t go crazy.”

“I think I’m half crazy.”

“It will hold up just fine.”

Now I see that everyone was just sitting on the floor and listening to the conversation between the leader and me. This was because they were not particularly busy, and it also seemed like everyone was curious about the story of the religious leader.

That’s because it’s something you can’t hear anywhere else.

I asked the religious leader.

“Is there Samadhi Evolution in Miscellaneous Esoteric Buddhism?”

“Wenju, most of the old sects have samadhi evolution martial arts. The magic arts that most of you white people talk about are ultimately of that type. “It’s a martial arts that diverges from Samadhi Evolution.”

“Why is Samadhi Evolution called Magic?”

The cult leader smiled slightly.

“The religion that the majority believes in is ultimately Jeongjong. This is because if a minority believes in it, it is treated as a demonic religion. Why does religion possess Samadhi Evolution martial arts? Because it wasn’t mainstream to begin with. Many of the founders of some sects had revolutionary tendencies. “Whether you are dissatisfied with the world or with the country, the need for revolution means trying to overthrow the existing system, so it would be natural for you to be treated as a devil by the mainstream.”

I nodded.

As far as I know, the first time the word demonic religion appeared was in the imperial records.

The leader’s words continued.

“In fact, it often happens that the largest sect massacres members of a smaller sect, just as a large country massacres a small country. This is the essence of what happens in human affairs, and records of such massacres are also often erased. “What is left is a demonic religion whose true nature is unknown.”

This is why if you say the word ‘demon religion’ in front of people from the Heavenly Demon Church, they will fight or be beaten to death for no particular reason. Of course, it is different when the head of the place directly brings up the term demonic religion. Because this is how the world is.

Miscellaneous Esoteric Buddhism is actually a sect to which Gwangseung belongs.

This means that Gwangseung’s suffering from mania and my suffering from mania are to some extent related to the evolution of samadhi.

Of course, that wasn’t everything.

The priest’s death must have been the catalyst for Gwangseung’s death, and when my guesthouse burned down, my mind was also engulfed in samadhi evolution.

The leader looked at me and said.

“You have a fiery temperament by nature. You also have a cold temperament that finds everything annoying. I don’t know if the yin-yang nature is something you are born with or if it can be developed later in life through martial arts like you.”

“Are you saying I am an acquired yin-yang retard?”

“It means you can’t know the details. Who can find out that it is a yin-yang body without martial arts? “That’s something only a quack could say.”

When I heard that he was a quack, I looked at Mo Yongbaek. Mo Yongbaek glared at me with calm eyes.

“I’m not that stone-faced guy.”


“But why are you looking at me like that?”

“just. Since you were the only member of the council, I took a look. sorry.”


I said while looking around at those around me.

“Now that I think about it, they all learned magic.”

According to the religious leader’s expression, they were all people who had learned old martial arts. Is this why tradition is so scary?

It was a passing tone at first glance, but the leader said something unexpected.

“We have been doing what we had to do after the students were massacred for a long time. Otherwise, more martial arts skills would have been lost than now. Unexpectedly, the descendants of Gwan Yun-ja, Gwang Seong-ja, and Gi Seong-ja gathered in one place… … . “Stomach left.”

“Yes, leader.”

The leader looked at the monk above and spoke in a calm tone.

“The reason why I should keep you alive is fading away. What do you think?”

“… … .”

“I told them to reduce the number of attendants and require only the minimum number of people to attend, so what is the problem with the number of participants?”

“sorry. “Master.”

“Have you never thought of fighting without the help of your subordinates, using everything you have? The previous heads of your family tried to make money because of martial arts. I didn’t learn martial arts to make more money like you. Choose your opponent here. I want to see how you end up before anyone else’s fight. Are you really a piece of trash who only cares about money, or are you the head of a powerful family like the elders say… I’ll find out.”

It is not known whether it is a matter of life or death.

At the leader’s command, the monk bowed his head slightly.

“All right.”

Anyway, to what extent did the religious leader accept my opinion? After the arrival of the religious leader, the opening of the war was in charge of the above priest. However, the other party is unknown.

The above-mentioned priest looked at me first.

I pointed at myself and then asked.


Is this guy crazy too? How dare me?

The upper master’s eyes moved and looked at the color demon. Saekma looked at the upper priest with a somewhat bewildered expression. This is because he was already injured after being hit by Ilmajo. The shitbag followed me.


The master above made a hissing sound and looked at Mo Yongbai. Then Mo Yong Baek slightly lowered his head.

“I am a congressman.”

“I know.”

Gongsunshen was the first to announce his intention to take on the challenge.

“Sir, how about me?”

“I don’t know who it is, so I’ll decline.”

Come to think of it, he was the one who had already expressed his intention to challenge the eldest brother before the leader came.

The eldest brother smiled as he made eye contact with the one above.

“It seems like I’m the only one.”

The chieftain above nodded.

“I will take on the challenge.”

For a moment, I felt that all of the above’s actions were abominable. No matter how you think about it, he was a man with great skills, but he was always being petty. Judging by the speed with which he killed the Haenamsalseong party, he was clearly not a weak man.

The eldest brother seemed to have the same thoughts as well, as he taunted the above-mentioned officer in a rare emotional tone.

“Why are you so pretentious to the end?”

The Master above also smiled slightly.

“Please understand that this is what I learned.”

While the two were moving to a large area, I was startled by suddenly hearing the voice of a blood cult leader.

“Hey, Sword Demon.”

“Why but?”

The blood cult leader said to his eldest brother.

“Cut off at least one arm.”

I turned my head and looked at the blood cult leader.

Whose side is this bastard on?

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