Worthless Regression Chapter 280

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[282] Black Dragon Alliance (4)


Over the sound of the bonfire burning wood, the voice of the Black Dragon Association was heard. Seongmin Lee, who was meditating in his lotus position, slightly opened his closed eyes. Beyond the flames sat the Black Dragon Association.

“… … “Do you know my name?”

“I know the name of the Black Dragon Association.”

“The name is Legon.”

I thought to myself that it was out of the blue. Three days have passed since the Black Dragon Association joined the group.

Although I heard that the Murim Alliance’s pursuit had begun, the pursuit was so slow that it could not be considered a pursuit.

Meanwhile, Sima Lianzhu’s carriage ran without stopping, aiming for the north, gaining a huge distance from the pursuing party.

For three days, the Black Dragon Association did not talk to anyone. He didn’t even sleep or eat.

Scarlett spoke to him a few times, but he didn’t respond. Sima Lianzhu also did not ask the Black Dragon Association about anything further.

For the Black Dragon Association, there was only silence for three days. Then he suddenly opened his mouth to speak, and suddenly said his own name.

At that action, Scarlett, who was writing a grimoire, raised her head and Yehwa, who was tending to the fire, shifted her gaze. Sima Lianju, who put on his mask again, showed no interest.

“It was my mother who gave me the name. Doesn’t she think it’s an insincere name? I just changed the spelling of Dragon. It’s something that can’t be helped. “Because my mother was illiterate.”

The Black Dragon Association’s voice speaking about him was grave.

“My mother was a woodcutter’s daughter. She lived deep in the mountain forest. father… … The meeting with the dragon was a coincidence, and there was no romance like something out of an old story. He caught my eye by chance, and his mother’s appearance was the dragon’s taste… … That was it. “My birth was all by chance.”

Lee Seong-min relaxed his cross-legged position and faced the Black Dragon Gorge. He didn’t know why he suddenly started talking like this, but he couldn’t believe that the Black Dragon Association was telling a lie.

“When my mother talked about her father, the dragon, she had the look on her face like a dreaming girl. It wasn’t something she couldn’t understand. She was the daughter of an illiterate woodcutter who met a dragon and gave birth to the dragon’s child. Moreover, it is said that the polymorphed dragon had a superior appearance to any man her mother had ever seen, so the woodcutter’s daughter must have felt that one night of playing with fire was like a dream.”

“… … so?”

“I was born that way. When I was young, I was full of resentment toward my father, who was a dragon. My mother began dying from the aftereffects of giving birth to a child she should not have, and my grandfather, a woodcutter, blamed me. The village people viewed my existence as a curse rather than a blessing. “For me, my father and the dragon were the ones who gave me everything.”

It was a gloomy past. Because he didn’t expect to suddenly hear something like this, Lee Seong-min couldn’t help but worry about what kind of expression he should make.

Scarlett quietly closed the grimoire. Yehwa swallowed her embarrassment and added firewood to her bonfire.

“Dragons are called magical pilots. I couldn’t use idioms that only dragons could use. Being mixed race does not mean you are superior. I was incapable of using magic. It was impossible to use dragon words, and although it was possible to manipulate mana, it was impossible to use magic. “It was because human blood and dragon blood mixed badly.”

“So you learned martial arts?”

“There was also resistance. He resented the dragon, so he didn’t want to use magic. Fortunately… … Martial arts suited me very well. “My body was strong, if not as strong as that of a dragon, and I still retained some of the dragon’s superiority in handling mana.”

“I don’t think you like dragons very much. Why did you want to migrate to a dimension with dragons?”

“Because I was lonely.”

The Black Dragon Association responded.

“As a half-human, half-dragon person, I don’t belong anywhere. So I wanted to meet a dragon. I didn’t know if they would accept me, but the dragon… … I wanted to meet you. “My father too.”

The Black Dragon Association chuckled.

“I thought a lot over the past three days. I don’t like my father very much. He hated it as a child. But as hundreds of years have passed, I have been thinking about meeting him. He knew he was dead… … I was angry. “When I found out that the barding you wore was made from my father’s corpse, I hated you.”

“I guess so.”

“I’m thinking of quitting.”

The Black Dragon Association shook its head.

“Like I said, it was a father I didn’t like. He was a father he had never seen. I know you didn’t kill my father. so… … I won’t hate you. The reason I told you about my past and gave you my name was to sort out my feelings in my own way. “Because you asked to be friends.”

It was something I said without much thought.

“As the Murim Lord, my actions caused you trouble. About that… … Should I apologize? I’m not sure about this. “Most of my actions were in accordance with Cheon Oecheon’s instructions.”

“… … no. “There is no need to apologize.”

Seongmin Lee hesitated for a moment and then shook his head. Because I never imagined that the Black Dragon Association would shake off everything like this.

Of course, he could not be certain that the attitude of the Black Dragon Association was the truth, but the honest story of the Black Dragon Association was enough to make Lee Seong-min feel confused.

[It seems you are not narrow-minded. Or is it because of the situation?]

The existence of Sima Lianju is suppressing the Black Dragon Association. Although he accompanied them, the Black Dragon Association had no choice but to watch Sima Lianju’s thoughts.

His attitude and talk may have been conscious of Sima Lianju and intended to relax his guard.

“I don’t know how long I will be accompanying you, but please take good care of me.”

The Black Dragon Association said that first. Lee Seong-min, who saw the hand reaching out insinuatingly, raised his hand and extended it to him.

Holding hands, the Black Dragon Association smiled. Lee Seong-min felt that the smile was suspicious, but he was in no position to interrogate the Black Dragon Association, so he remained silent.

The journey north was long. Lee Seong-min and his party knew very well that the Murim Alliance’s pursuit was just for show.

They may not have been able to confirm whether the Black Dragon Alliance was alive or dead, but they could not leave Sima Lianju and his companions who had devastated the Murim Alliance.

That’s how the chase team was organized. To restore the fallen prestige of the Murim Alliance. Yes, in general, yes.

But the Murim Alliance knew very well. He knew that he could not do anything about the Four Masters with the power of the Murim Alliance alone.

Therefore, the chase team was late. The fact that the Tagu Bongjin was broken and the Black Dragon Group was suppressed and kidnapped was an act that completely shattered not only the pride of the martial arts faction, but also their common sense.

One expert… … It had that meaning to destroy the formation of 100 people.

“Maybe the sword will move.”

The distance to North Trabia was still long. During the journey, the Black Dragon Association showed a lively attitude, as if to prove that they had put their minds in order. He voluntarily gave his opinion without being asked.

“Although I was a leader, I never tried to do anything for the Murim Alliance myself. “Most of them were orders from Cheon Oecheon.”

“The story is that it was a scarecrow.”

“exactly. In fact, the position of leading a team did not suit me well. I had no motivation. To them, I was a hybrid of a dragon and not a human, and unlike other leader candidates, I was not highly regarded by the world. “I was only good at martial arts.”

Seongmin Lee recalled his time in Shaolin. At that time, Ambassador Bulyeong was recommended for the position of the Murim lord.

Of course, the French ambassador rejected him. If we were to estimate the martial arts level of Ambassador Bulyeong… … It cannot be compared to the Black Dragon Alliance.

However, being the highest adult in Shaolin and being a renowned monk, putting aside his martial prowess, he was suitable for the position of leader.

“The existence of Geomseon was uncomfortable for both me, the leader, and Cheon Oecheon. “He even told me not to provoke the martial arts swordsman.”

“But the sword might move?”

“The inspection… … Apart from the Murim Alliance, he is a member of a political faction. Sima Lianju. Your actions were too much. “Due to your actions, the pride of the Murim faction, not the Murim Alliance, has been completely torn and trampled.”

“Are you saying that Geomseon might step forward to help him recover?”

Lee Seong-min thought of Geomseon’s Igigeo sword. The sword of the sword that was fired fiercely even from a distant distance was a divine power that the current Lee Seong-min could not bear. In response to Lee Seong-min’s question, the Black Dragon Hyeop nodded his head.

“That is highly likely. “Even though he went into hiding, he is definitely a shaman.”

“Does not matter.”



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Sima Lianju looked comfortable. It was a long journey, but he was looking out the window with a relaxed look, as if he had just come out to his hometown.

“When I decided to attack the Murim Alliance and beat you up. It was already anticipated that there might be friction with the inspection. “If he had been afraid of the inspection, he would not have done such a thing.”

“Are you confident?”

“It’s something you have to try to know. “My current position is more about interest than fear.”

“Are you not afraid of death?”

The Black Dragon Association asked with a puzzled expression on its face. That question was absurd to Sima Lianzhu. He chuckled and laughed.

“Isn’t it the difference between early and late? “It is much more enjoyable to choose and die while enjoying it, rather than waiting and dying helplessly.”

The Black Dragon Association could not understand Sima Lianju’s words. Sima Lianzhu himself did not hope for the understanding of the Black Dragon Association.

Sima Lianju, who was looking at the Black Dragon Association with an absurd expression on his face, turned his gaze out the window.

The sun was setting. One rule of this long journey was to stop the carriage when the sun set.

This was due to Sima Lianju’s order to enjoy the long journey as if it were a trip, without any need to rush.


“Yes, Master.”

“How is your physical condition?”

Sima Lianju’s voice when he asked that was very kind. Beyond the mask, Sima Lianzhu was seen smiling kindly.

Seongmin Lee felt a cold chill running down his spine.

Lee Seong-min’s physical condition was not bad. After the fight with King Chang, Sa Beop-ju took care of Lee Seong-min’s acupuncture points every day, and thanks to this, the magical power accumulated in his Qi and acupuncture points completely disappeared.

However, since that fight, I have never increased my strength. This was because, following the words of Sabeolju, he had been wearing a mask all along.

“… … “It’s not bad.”

“It’s not that bad. “It would be amazing.”

Master Sima Lian chuckled. Suddenly the carriage stopped.

The Master of Sima Lian sent a message to Yehwa of Ma Buseok. Sa Beop-ju raised his finger and pointed at Lee Seong-min and Black Dragon Hyeop.

“It’s time to set up camp. “It’s been a while since I took a look at your martial arts skills.”

“… … yes?”

Lee Seong-min’s eyes opened wide at those words.

“He didn’t move properly for a while, but his body probably didn’t stiffen.”

“Are you okay?”

Although the explosion of his magical power was already in the past, it was Sima Lianju who warned him and warned him not to take off his mask and not to use martial arts.

Although several months had passed since then, Lee Seong-min still could not fully trust his body.

“Isn’t this something we can’t leave alone forever?”

“but… … ”

“There is no need to be afraid. and. “It’s not like I can represent you forever.”

I can’t do it for you.

Lee Seong-min was speechless at those words.

[Preparation is necessary.]

Heo Joo’s voice rang in Lee Seong-min’s head.

[By traveling with Sima Lianju, you can do things on behalf of Sima Lianju that you cannot do on your own. But we can’t hope for Sima Lianju’s help forever.]

‘I know.’

Lee Seong-min was also aware of this. He had no intention of relying on Sima Lianzhu.

If he does not have the power to solve the problem himself, he will be helpless at the critical moment and will be unable to do anything.

[Sama Lianju probably knows him too. He says he will never be able to help you.]

‘Maybe he’s just being grumpy.’

[I don’t think so. I don’t know what you think of that person, but Sima Lianju is your teacher and has been doing things worthy of a teacher. It’s still the same now.]

Lee Seong-min laughed bitterly at those words. Lee Seong-min also knew. That Master Sabeib is taking care of himself, her disciple, knowingly or unknowingly.

[You can probably feel it clearly.]

Although I felt a little puzzled by Heo Joo’s assurances. Seongmin Lee did not ask him back, but lifted his hand and grabbed the mask on his face.

… … Fazizik.

The moment the mask was taken off.

An electric current flowed through Lee Seong-min’s energy and blood.


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